Yellow heat health alert issued for Southampton

Hamble in the sunshine <i>(Image: Sharon Laithwaite/Canva)</i>
Hamble in the sunshine (Image: Sharon Laithwaite/Canva)

A yellow heat health alert has been issued for Hampshire next week.

The alert, issued by the UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) in conjunction with the Met Office, warns of the "potential for significant impacts to be observed across the health and social care sector" because of high temperatures.

It is in force from 8am on Monday until 5pm on Thursday.

READ MORE: Southampton weather forecast with mini-heatwave set to hit

The alert warns there could be "increased mortality" across the population, particularly the over 65s or those with health conditions.

It also warns of increased demand for remote healthcare services, internal temperatures in care settings exceeding the recommended threshold, and an impact on the ability of services to be delivered due to heat effects on workforce.

A heat health alert is issued when adverse temperatures are likely to impact on the health and wellbeing of the population.

Temperatures in Southampton could rise as high as 25C next week, according to the Met Office.