York choir set to take part in Race for Life... with a twist

Lucy's Pop Choir <i>(Image: Provided)</i>
Lucy's Pop Choir (Image: Provided)

MORE than 60 members of a York-based choir are set to take part in this year's Race for Life… with a twist.

Members of Lucy’s Pop Choir are competing in this year's Race for Life for Cancer Research UK but rather than walk or run around the course as normal, the group have decided to SING their way around Knavesmire!

Choir leader and founder Lucy McLean had the idea to ‘do their fundraising a little differently’ this year, saying: "Our members love singing with us so much, but we wanted them to get even more out of their membership and find a way for them to give back to the community at the same time.


“Singing our way round a 5K is arguably the craziest thing we've done so far, and we can't wait to give it a go!"

Currently, more than 60 members of the choir have signed up to join in the singalong with 64 of those linked to the fundraiser page.

Whilst they had their start in York, Lucy’s Pop Choir runs multiple sessions across the region and some even further afield – with one group formed in the Republic of Ireland. They sing pop songs, both new and old, with ‘no auditions and no sheet music’ and welcome members of all ages and genders.

According to Lucy: “Our aim is always to have fun, and we don't take ourselves too seriously. Life is stressful enough as it is, and our choir is supposed to be a break from all that.

Lucy's Pop Choir performing at York Pride (Image: Provided)

“A switch off from the outside world, and a chance to have a giggle with your pals each week, whilst singing some fabulous songs!"

At the time of writing, the group had raised more than £3,600 for Cancer Research through its fundraiser page and is currently aiming to hit a total of £4,965.

The choir recently performed along the York Pride parade route in Bishopthorpe Road, with more than 90 singers, and plan to be at various other events this summer including the York Proms.