Young Glasgow film makers dream of screening sci-fi short film at UK festivals

The film makers are hoping to showcase their work at a number of festivals
The film makers are hoping to showcase their work at a number of festivals -Credit:supplied

A pair of young Glasgow film makers are hoping to screen their sci-fi creation at a number of festivals across the UK this year.

James Crutcher, 24, and Euan Munro, 22, are two aspiring actors who decided to take their future into their own hands with a short horror film.

Raindog follows two programmers as they create a weather forecasting AI, however, they quickly realise that their invention is more powerful than they thought.

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The friends decided to try make a film of their own after realisng the opportunity to break into the industry wouldn't just fall into their lap.

Euan told Glasgow Live: "We are both huge lovers of film and TV.

"The industry is in a tough spot just now so we found ourselves sitting on our hands a little bit. We decided that instead of waiting for someone to cast us we'd make our own film.

"It's always something we'd wanted to do."

The short follows two programmers as they battle with their own creation
The short follows two programmers as they battle with their own creation -Credit:supplied

James added: "It was probably the worst time to graduate due to the strike.

"We realised that we could make an opportunity for ourselves."

The 22-year-old wrote around 10 scripts before coming up with the final concept. The friends are now hoping to screen their first foray into the world of film at a number of festivals across the country.

The pair set up a GoFundMe to help them raise the cash to apply for as many events as possible.

James, who is originally from San Francisco, said: "I think we are both over the moon with the amount of support we've received from friends and family.

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"We thought we'd maybe be able to submit the work to 10 festivals if we were lucky.

"But with the support we've gained we'll be able to send it far and wide. It would be a very surreal experience to be on the big screen.

"I think it's something you dream about as a kid. To have an opportunity like that would be incredible."

Euan added: "Having made the film on a shoestring budget, the support has been so lovely.

Euan wrote and directed the short horror film
Euan wrote and directed the short horror film -Credit:supplied

"We're so grateful that people have given us a fighting chance on the festival circuit.

"Festivals are such good platform for us to meet people and showcase our work to other creatives. It is such a good place for young film makers."

Now the aspiring actors are coming to the end of their first project, the pair already have an eye on their next film.

The 22-year-old explained: "When we were making Raindog I think we got so deep into the trenches that we realised it was a lot of work.

"I think that we're now coming to the end of it we're both itching to get back to making something else and moving onto the next project.

"We've learned so much from making this one that we can use in the next one."

James added:"I think this has been a fantastic learning experience in film making.

"For the next one we're going to be much more prepared for the next one."

To visit James and Euan's GoFundMe click here.