'If you're reading this, it means I have died', says inspiring teacher Kate Rackham in heartbreaking last message

Kate Rackham taking a selfie
-Credit: (Image: Kate_Rackham/X)

Kate Rackham, known to many as 'Teacher With Cancer', has sadly passed away aged 45. The mum-of-two, who lived in Urmston, Manchester, before she died, had become a social media sensation for her frank discussions about living with incurable oestrogen-receptive breast cancer.

Diagnosed at the age of 39 without any obvious risk factors, Kate dedicated herself to raising awareness and co-founded the Fighting to be Heard Foundation. In the past few months, Kate kept her followers, who numbered in the thousands, informed about her battle with secondary breast cancer.

Just last week, she excused her "lack of communication recently" on account of "hospital stays, procedures and uncertainty." On June 7, she posted a heart-wrenching update: "And then hearing the words, 'there is nothing more we can do'. I needed a bit of time."

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She continued: "I'm now home, where I want to be. With Mark and the girls. Surrounded by love, family and friends. Everyone is rallying around and I have so much support. Despite everything I feel blessed.", reports Lancs Live.

Tragically, on June 13, a poignant and heartbreaking message appeared on her profile: "If you're reading this, it means I have died," it began. The message concluded with a powerful note: "But do not cry for me. I have lived my life on my own terms, the way I have wanted to."

In conclusion, she said: "I joined X because I needed an outlet, what I got was so much more. You made me feel validated in my feelings and much less alone. Thank you."

Social media has been flooded with heartfelt messages of love, support, and fond memories in response to the news. The courage shown by Kate in sharing her journey is still being lauded, as commentators acknowledge the numerous people she helped along the way.

Amongst the comments was a post by user Poppygibsonuk who wrote: "Thank you for sharing your journey with us to the end and beyond. Thank you for touching our lives you beautiful Angel."

User Jacxdad3376 shared: "Sad, sad news this. Yes Kate - you dictated the terms not that horrific disease. I hope your family can take comfort in this difficult time and accept my condolences. Your journey was inspirational."

Dennishchristen paid tribute, stating: "Rest In Peace. As a teacher, you became one of our heroes. Thank you."

In addition, TheCrazyMamiFN admitted: "I didn't know of you until this post came up but as a mum who just fought triple neg breast cancer, my heart bleeds for your loved ones. God bless you and rest well."

The Fighting to be Heard Foundation, established in 2021, is majority-run by volunteers who are Secondary Breast Cancer patients themselves.

Secondary breast cancer, often seen as the 'forgotten form' of breast cancer, is surprisingly common; a recent audit estimated that there are over 57,000 people living with metastatic (secondary) breast cancer in the UK.