This is how you should actually pick up a cat, expert explains

There’s a trick to picking up your feline friends (Rex)
There’s a trick to picking up your feline friends (Rex)

It’s one of the great mysteries of owning a cat: is there actually a ‘right’ way to pick up your feline friend?

But it’s actually quite simple according to Uri Burstyn, aka YouTube’s Helpful Vancouver Vet – and it’s all about making the cat feel supported.

Burstyn says that if your cat is ‘dangling’, you’re doing it wrong – and you could be setting yourself up to get scratched.

Burstyn says, ‘The key to picking up a cat safely is to make them feel nice and supported.

‘So I always pick up a cat with one hand under the chest and one hand under the abdomen, so they’re not hanging down and they’re not flapping about.


‘I have been scratched quite badly with a cat going for purchase. If the cat just feel insecure, it’s a good way to get injured.’

Burstyn advises that you should support the cat and hold it into your chest, so that the cat feels secure while being carried.

He says, ‘Nice and supportive, just hold him up, just squishing up, so they feel nice and supported.’