Air ambulance rushes to park after 'young person hit by motorbike'

An air ambulance landed in Test Park on Sunday evening <i>(Image: Public)</i>
An air ambulance landed in Test Park on Sunday evening (Image: Public)

The air ambulance has rushed to a Southampton park this evening after a reported collision between a pedestrian and a motorbike.

A "young person" was involved in the collision with the motorbike at Test Park Sports Ground, Millbrook, on Sunday evening, according to a police officer at the scene.

The officer could not confirm the age of the victim or their condition.

Residents in Millbrook reported hearing an air ambulance land at the park at around 6pm on Sunday (June 23).

One witness said she was told by a regular dog walker that a child had been hit by a bike.

Police at Test Park on Sunday (Image: NQ)

"I was told by one of the regular dog walkers who told me as I was walking in to Test Park to walk my dog," the woman told the Echo.

"Police were in attendance along with two ambulances. Ambulance crews were tending to the injured person as I walked the dog but we were only there 20 minutes.

"I’ve just heard the air ambulance lift off at 18.45 from back at my house."

The motorbike involved in the collision has been seized by police, and officers were seen loading it onto a flatbed truck.

The park is accessible as usual.

Hampshire Constabulary's press office has been contacted for more information.