Alleged shoplifters charged with stealing food, alcohol and playing cards

Police Scotland <i>(Image: NQ)</i>
Police Scotland (Image: NQ)

TWO men carried out several raids on supermarkets and stores in Greenock and Port Glasgow earlier this year, prosecutors claim.

Craig Hill and Dean Hill, aged 26 and 29, stole a beauty item, a quantity of food and household items from The Range on West Shaw Street on April 22, it is alleged.

The pair are said to have stolen handfuls of food and alcohol from the Port's Iceland shop on the same day, while Dean Hill, of Dempster Street, allegedly lifted booze from the town's Tesco on the same date.

Craig Hill is accused of pocketing a quantity of playing cards from a store at the Oak Mall shopping centre on April 15.

Court papers state that Dean Hill also stole drink from the Port's Tesco on March 29 before allegedly making off with more booze from Morrisons in Greenock a fortnight later.

Both were represented by lawyer Aidan Gallagher at a calling of the cases on Friday, with not guilty pleas submitted in their absence.

A trial has been scheduled for October 21.