Arbigland Gardens near Kirkbean to open to the public for charity

Arbigland Gardens near Kirkbean are set to open for charity.

There have been many improvements since last year as the restoration project progresses.

The impressive grounds surround an Adam-style 18th century mansion and extend down to the shore on the Solway Firth.

The gardens consist of 24 acres of mainly woodland with more formal sections, including a sunken garden where the old Arbigland Hall once stood.

The basic form of the garden dates back to the 18th century, with a straight 1/3rd mile broad walk extending from the house to the shore and views across to the Lakeland Fells.

Many of the trees lining this walk are over 200 years old and are under-planted with rhododendrons and azaleas.

The formal gardens consist of a sundial garden with a sundial from 1815 commemorating the battle of Waterloo; a sunken garden with roses and a pavilion built by Italian prisoners of war; a well head garden with rare plants and trees; a substantial lake with an island and a Japanese garden with a variety of acers and cherries.

The beds and walks throughout Arbigland had become overgrown but restoration and development are now well under way.

Those familiar with the garden will see that much of the bamboo and ponticum rhododendrons have been cleared opening up areas throughout the garden, improving views of the lake and the Solway Firth.

Planting the newly opened up areas is now under way.

Considerable work on the sunken garden and its paths has also been undertaken.

There remains much to do but part of the charm of walking round this garden is looking at the work in progress, celebrating what has been achieved so far and imagining what it was once like and will be again.

The gardens will be open from 2pm to 5pm on Sunday, May 12. Admission is £5, children free and proceeds will go to Scottish Garden Scheme charities and Absolute Classics.

There will also be a limited opportunity to book a tour of the principal rooms of the house for a further £5 per adult.

Tours will be conducted at 2.15pm, 3.15pm and 4.15pm; the garden is partially wheelchair accessible; dogs on leads are welcome and refreshments will be available at the John Paul Jones Museum.

To get to Arbigland take the A710 to Kirkbean. In the village turn off towards Carsethorn and after 200 yards turn right and follow signs to John Paul Jones Cottage.

After a mile or so turn left at the junction through the white gates and down the drive through ornamental gates to Arbigland House.

For further information on opening please visit