This attacker hurt two men in Hereford assaults

This attacker hurt two men in Hereford assaults <i>(Image: Hereford Times)</i>
This attacker hurt two men in Hereford assaults (Image: Hereford Times)

AN ATTACKER has been sentenced for causing harm to two men in Hereford assaults.

Mitch Pearse entered guilty pleas to one count of assaulting a person thereby occasioning them actual bodily harm and one count of wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford on June 24.


The court heard from the prosecutor that the 27-year-old had inflicted grievous bodily harm on one man in Hereford and actual bodily harm on another man in Hereford, both on January 14. One of the attacks was said to be unlawful and malicious. However he was said to have committed the offence without intent.

A Newton hearing was held and the case of the defence was proved, with Pearse being sentenced to  a 12-month community order with 180 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay £100 to the victim of actual bodily harm and £500 to the victim of grievous bodily harm.

Pearse, of Ferndale Road, Hereford, was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £270 and a £114 victim surcharge.