Barman punched customer in 'excessive self-defence' incident

A file picture of the Prince Madoc pub in Colwyn Bay
-Credit: (Image: Reach plc)

A barman punched a customer in his pub. The customer was leaning over the counter towards barman Michael Lauchlan and there was an "element of provocation", a court heard.

Lauchlan, 33, was said to have used "excessive self-defence" in the incident at the Prince Madoc pub in Colwyn Bay. A judge gave the defendant a suspended prison sentence for assault causing actual bodily harm and expressed "concern" Lauchlan is still employed there.

Prosecutor Karl Scholz told Mold Crown Court that Matthew Gale had been talking to a friend at the bar on January 19. Mr Gale then started a "light-hearted" chat with the barman Lauchlan in what Mr Gale called "a bit of banter".

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The court heart Mr Gale waved his finger at Lauchlan across the counter. Lauchlan stretched to grab a glass but it was held away from him and Lauchlan threw a punch at Mr Gale.

Mr Gale was knocked unconscious by the blow and fell backwards. He sustained a suspected fractured left cheekbone, a laceration on his head, and a swollen black eye. Lauchlan told police he had overheard Mr Gale and another man talking about buying cocaine and told Mr Gale to stop talking that way or he would throw them out.

Lauchlan said it had been a "natural instinct" but agreed he could have simply pushed Mr Gale back or stepped away, said Mr Scholz. The prosecutor called it "excessive self-defence".

At Friday's sentencing hearing Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "It's a matter of concern that your employers are still prepared to employ you as a man who will use violence against customers when in your place of work. I say no more than that." He also noted that Lauchlan had been drinking.

The judge said: "I don't know if you have heard of 'one-punch manslaughter'. [Mr Gale] went down and for a time there was a worry there was a brain injury."

The judge added: "It's clear there was an element of provocation. It's clear there was excessive self-defence."

But Lauchlan had pleaded guilty and the judge said he could suspend his nine-month sentence for 18 months. But Lauchlan must do 150 hours of unpaid work and wear an electronic alcohol abstinence monitoring tag for 120 days. The judge also imposed a restraining order prohibiting the defendant, of Lawson Road, Colwyn Bay, from approaching Mr Gale.

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