BBC Escape to the Country's Jules Hudson makes 'massive' decision after desiring 'escape'

Escape to the Country's Jules Hudson
Jules Hudson has now opened up on his own rural life -Credit:(Image: BBC)

BBC's 'Escape to the Country' presenter Jules Hudson has shared insights into his personal journey from city dweller to countryman.

The 54-year-old, who grew up in urban settings and felt increasingly "very claustrophobic" amidst the hustle of London, made the leap to rural living back in 2012.

Jules, along with his family, swapped their metropolitan existence for a sprawling mansion surrounded by the verdant countryside of Hertfordshire. In an interview with The Times, he confessed that while he enjoyed the vibrant pace of city life, it was in the tranquillity of nature where he found true peace.

The search for the perfect home wasn't without its disagreements between Jules and his wife Tania, but they eventually found their dream property. Reflecting on the move, Jules said: "We knew what we were looking for. Something with space, something with outbuildings. And having its own plot was really important to me."

He further expressed his deep-rooted connection to rural life to the Express, stating: "For me, country life is absolutely who I am, and it's who I was before I came to present Escape to the Country. It's a massive step for lots of people."

Jules Hudson enjoys down time in the country
Jules Hudson enjoys down time in the country -Credit:(Image: Instagram )

Jules also mentioned that the lessons learned through his own transition have equipped him with valuable "tips and tricks" to share with viewers of the show considering a similar change, reports the Mirror.

Absolutely smitten with his serene rural life, he previously told the Daily Express: "it's very much a way of life", and "I absolutely love it, it's a show I'm incredibly fond of. It's very dear to me"

In an intimate conversation with the publication, he shared his vision of the perfect day: "My perfect day is a nice, warm, sunny Sunday with myself, my wife, my son and our dogs all out gardening having a really lazy day."

Escape to the Country's Jules Hudson on BBC
Escape to the Country's Jules Hudson on BBC -Credit:(Image: BBC)

He radiates joy when talking about their tranquil family moments: "I love it when there is no one to ring, no one to bother with and we are just immersed in the practicalities of being outdoors, getting mucky and transforming the garden."

Jules' television career kicked off behind the scenes on BBC2's Horizon in 1996 before moving on to work with Channel 4's Time Team.

He's also a familiar face on Channel 5's This Week on the Farm, co-hosting alongside Helen Skelton.

Since taking on presenting duties for Escape to the Country in 2007, he has grown deeply attached to the role, expressing to the Express: "I hope to do Escape to the Country for as long as I'm able and for as long as the show will have me."

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