BBC Weather forecast 6 days of London sun with Met Office predicting 'warmer than average' temperatures

Young woman on vacation in London,UK is enjoying the sunny beautiful weather on a sun lounge.
-Credit: (Image: Getty)

The BBC is finally predicting a stretch of consistent sunshine and nice weather for London. In what feels like an abysmal June so far, forecasters are suggesting that it’ll be sunny everyday between Sunday, June 23 and Friday, June 28.

However, we’re going to have quite a miserable time up until then. The latest BBC London weather forecast shows that it is expected be miserable most days between today (Saturday, June 15) and next Saturday (June 22). Sorry to be the bearers of bad news.

But the UK’s official forecaster - The Met Office - predicts that it will be rain-free for the next week, with temperatures hovering around the 20C mark. The Met Office’s long range forecast up until June 28 for the whole UK also predicts it will be both sunny and rainy from the end of June going into mid-July, but temperatures may just poke above average.

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Woman having fun on Westminster Bridge
London is beautiful in the sun -Credit:Getty

A Met Office spokesperson said: "It is most probable that initially fine conditions will prevail for most, with more changeable conditions with cloud and some rain being confined to the far north and northwest, temperatures will likely be close to or slightly above average. Although even during this time, a few daytime showers could pop up in places.
"However, there is a slight chance of an alternative scenario that initially an area of cloud could edge northwestwards from Europe and bring a few days of thundery rain and fairly hot and humid conditions to the southeast. Into the last week of June, warmer than average conditions are more likely than cooler than average. Rainfall looks quite variable with an increased chance of drier conditions, at least in the south."

Forecast for six days of sunny weather in London

  • Sunday, June 23 - 23C, sunny and a gentle breeze.

  • Monday, June 24 - 22C, sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

  • Tuesday, June 25 - 23C, sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

  • Wednesday, June 26 - 23C, sunny and a gentle breeze.

  • Thursday, June 27 - 23C, sunny and a gentle breeze.

  • Friday June 28 - 25C, sunny intervals and light winds.

Met Office further long range forecast

Between June 29 and July 13 the Met Office forecasts that “there is little sign for any one type of weather pattern to dominate during this period. As such, typical conditions for the UK are most probable with a mixture of weather types. All areas can expect to see some spells of drier, sunnier weather, but there will also be showers or longer spells of rain at times.

It continues: “Currently the only signals, weak as they are, hint that rain and showers will tend to be more biased towards the north and west, with any more prolonged drier interludes favouring the south. Temperatures are most likely to be close to or slightly above climatological average.”

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