Betty White 102nd birthday encourages donations to animal shelters


Bluefield Daily Telegraph

PRINCETON — Wednesday was a day for celebrating the late Betty White's life by donating to local animal shelters on what would have been her 102nd birthday, but people who could not make any donations then can still help area shelters with their ongoing needs.

Betty White, well known for were work on "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and other television shows, was known for her love of animals and her support for homeless dogs and cats. White was born on Jan. 17, 1922 and passed away on Dec. 31, 2021. She would have been 102 years old on Wednesday. To celebrate her memory, people were urged to donate $5 to their local shelters.

Shelters in southern West Virginia and Southwest Virginia constantly need donations while their facilities stay full. The Mercer County Animal Shelter had to declare a Code Red situation more than once in 2023 because its kennels and cages were filled with dogs and cats.

Code Reds are declared when using euthanasia to make space becomes a possibility. The Mercer County shelter was able to avoid using euthanasia to make more room, but fresh supplies are always needed.

"We can always use dog food, cat food, blankets, towels, leashes, stuff like that," said kennel technician Sarah Remines. "Right now we are full. We have a couple of kennels, but not many."

The Mercer County Animal Shelter had about 80 dogs and 20 cats Wednesday. People who want to donate can drop off food, cleaning supplies and other items at the shelter. Monetary donations can be accepted along with ones taken off credit cards, Remines said.

Across the state line, the Tazewell County Animal Shelter had to declare a Code Red situation on Wednesday, according to Director Ginny Dawson.

"We are doing what we can to move animals out so we do not have to euthanize for space," she said. The shelter was housing 15 cats and 50 dogs on Wednesday.

Donations tend to decrease after the holidays.

"They do," Dawson said. "Well, the weather plays a great part in it. People have electric bills. We do see a little bit of a decrease in donations after Christmas."

Dawson said she knew about Betty White tribute to animal shelters, but it's not limited to Wednesday.

"Oh absolutely," she added. "They can contribute all year in her name."

The Tazewell County Animal Shelter needs puppy food, kitten food and cleaning supplies. Another item is helpful, too.

"We actually had to put out a plea for newspapers on our Facebook page," Dawson said. "Blankets, towels, any of that type of stuff."

Monetary donations can be mailed to the Tazewell County Animal Shelter at 736 Camp Joy Rd, Bluefield, Va. 24605. A nonprofit supporting the shelter can accept PayPal donations at on the internet.

Representatives of the McDowell County Humane Society were not available Wednesday.

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