Big Brother star jailed after pants fall down during bungled burglary

Former Big Brother Marco Pierre White Jr
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Getty))

A former Big Brother star found himself behind bars for 41 weeks after a bungled burglary at a Bath deli - after his bum tattoos gave him away.

Marco Pierre White Jr was captured on CCTV breaking into the Abbey Deli in the early hours of May 23, where he snatched £250 from the till.

The footage showed the ex-reality TV personality trying to escape through a window of the Grade-II listed café, only to get his trousers and underwear caught, revealing his heavily tattooed legs and backside, reports the Express.

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The 29 year old's distinctive tattoos led to his swift identification by police, who matched the CCTV images with photos from White Jr's own Instagram account, leading to his arrest shortly after the incident.

Jon Ison, owner of The Abbey Deli, told The Sun: "He broke in by smashing one of the window panes on the front door of the cafe with a champagne bottle."

"He stole £250 by levering open the draw of the till with a spoon even though the keys were there in plain sight. He also took the charity box from the counter."

Ison added, "He probably thought he was in the clear but when he crawled back through the window he got his tracksuit caught on the frame and accidentally mooned his bare backside right at our CCTV cameras.

"Police knew straight away who it was because of his tattoos - all they had to do was check the photos of his ink on his Instagram feed to confirm their suspicions."

The son of famed chef Marco Pierre White has a notorious record of criminal behaviour. Struggling with heroin addiction since his teens, he's been in the dock for drug possession, theft, and carrying a knife.

Following a recent break-in, White Jnr faced Bristol Magistrates' Court, admitting to burglary and "other offences." Mr Ison remarked: "He's been hanging out with the wrong crowd for years and we know he's got a drug problem."

"This is the second time he's broken into our cafe - the first time was almost exactly a year ago when he stole about £650. The hilarious thing about this burglary is that we only knew it was him because his trousers got caught around his ankles and we could see his tattoos on his bum cheeks."