Bo Dietl slams controversy over vulgar comments as ‘political bullsh–t’ after being dropped by Eric Adams defense fund

Bo Dielt
Bo Dielt vowed not to curse after reportedly being fired for vulgar language then slipped up Thursday.

He can’t stop f—ing cussing!

Local firebrand Bo Dietl — who vowed not to curse after being dropped from Mayor Eric Adams’ legal defense trust for telling a reporter to “suck somebody’s d–k” — slammed the controversy as “political bullsh-t” to The Post Thursday before catching his own potty mouth.

“As far as this political bullsh-t — I shouldn’t curse — as far as this political nonsense goes, it’s such a nothing issue compared to crime in this city,” the NYPD detective-turned-private investigator said in a phone interview.

“When you have people punching young women in the face, there are more important problems,” he said, referencing a recent crime spree.

Bo Dietl vowed not to curse after reportedly being fired for vulgar language but then slipped up. Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
Bo Dietl vowed not to curse after reportedly being fired for vulgar language but then slipped up. Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

During the brief conversation, Dietl cursed twice while offering an excuse for telling a Politico reporter to “Go suck somebody’s d–k” and snapping that, “I wouldn’t f—ing tell you any f—ing thing” at a Daily News scribe earlier this week.

Dietl said he berated the reporters with vulgar language because two of his friends had recently died and he was having a hard time.

“I lost two close friends in the last couple days. I was wrong, and  I apologized to the reporters, ‘I said, ‘I was under a lot of stress,’” he told The Post. “I was in a very bad place.”

The reporters had called to ask him about a $13,000 payment that Adams’ legal defense trust had sent to Dietl’s private detective firm when he began ranting at them.

Dietl was fired Wednesday over the curse-filled tirade because “the mayor believes that that language is unacceptable,” Vito Pitta, an attorney for Adams’ trust told the Daily News.

Dietl then pledged not to “curse anymore,” telling the paper he, “went to my priest today and did an act of contrition.”

He said he also wants to clean up his foul mouth because his daughter called him out for it, he told The Post.

“She said, ‘Dad you gotta stop — you have no filter,” Dietl said Thursday.

But the former cop apparently needed his mouth washed out with soap again soon after.

Eric Adam’s legal defense fund reportedly canned Dietl Wednesday over the curse-filled rants. Andrew Schwartz /
Eric Adam’s legal defense fund reportedly canned Dietl Wednesday over the curse-filled rants. Andrew Schwartz /

Asked about his firm’s work for Adams, he  huffed that he’d gotten bad press both for working for the mayor and not working for him.

“You’re damned if you do, and you’re damned if you don’t,” he said, letting the low-level swear word slip.

Asked why it angered him to be questioned by reporters about his company, he said Politico and The Daily News have allegedly misquoted him and “twisted” his words in the past.

“You know what pisses me off is that a lot of times if I make a statement, I get misquoted,” he said, dropping another bad word. “When you get misquoted, you put your guard up.”

But he insisted that Adams had not fired him from his legal defense fund since he’d never officially been hired by it.

“I spoke to the mayor today,  he’s not firing me,” Dietl said. “If I’m not doing anything for them, how could I be fired?”

Dietl’s private detective firm was paid $13,000 by Adams’ legal defense fund. Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
Dietl’s private detective firm was paid $13,000 by Adams’ legal defense fund. Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

He was cagey about the details of the $13,000 payment to his firm, citing a confidentiality agreement.

“If we did any work, we are not currently,” he said. “It has nothing to do with me being fired.”

Dietl is a personal friend of Adams and was a longtime NYPD detective who transitioned into entertainment and politics.

He launched a failed 2017 mayoral  campaign against former Mayor Bill de Blasio and has appeared in movies such as “Goodfellas” and “Wolf of Wall Street.”