Body found in search for missing health expert Michael Mosley

Dr Michael Mosley
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Getty))

A body has been found in the search for missing Michael Mosley. The TV doctor had been missing since Wednesday on the Greek island of Symi.

Police said that the body was found with an umbrella by a fence close to a beach bar on a rocky, hilly area of the island. The 67-year-old had reportedly set off on a walk from Saint Nikolas Beach at about 1.30pm local time on Wednesday but failed to return home. He was seen on CCTV footage at 2pm leaving the village of Pedi and headed towards a rocky path.

A member of the search team flying a drone in Symi, Greece, where a search and rescue operation is under way for TV doctor and columnist Michael Mosley
A member of the search team flying a drone in Symi, Greece, where a search and rescue operation is under way for TV doctor and columnist Michael Mosley -Credit:PA
Greek Red Cross team search the hills between the towns of Symi and Pedi for missing Dr Michael Mosley
Greek Red Cross team search the hills between the towns of Symi and Pedi for missing Dr Michael Mosley -Credit:Tim Merry/Mirror Express

At the time of his disappearance, temperatures on the Greek island were abnormally high and were around 37C. It's thought he did not have any water with him and it's feared he took a wrong turn while trying to get back to his accommodation in the town of Symi.

Police say they are waiting for formal identification to take place but they believe the body is that of the missing television presenter and writer. It was found beneath a fence that runs around the bar on Agia Marina beach on the Greek island. The bar is surrounded by hilly and rocky terrain that runs down to the sea.

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The mayor of Symi said that his body was found by a Greek TV crew that had hired a boat to film the area. Eleftherios Papakaloudoukas said the health expert most likely died of heat stroke and exhaustion just a few meters before reaching a safer spot.

Mr Papakaloudoukas said the area is “difficult to pass” and is “only rocks” and has many snakes. He said the body did not seem to show any injury but appeared to have fallen down a steep slope.

Agia Marina in Symi, Greece,
Agia Marina in Symi, Greece, -Credit:PA
Emergency services on a boat at Agia Marina in Symi, Greece, where a body has been discovered
Emergency services on a boat at Agia Marina in Symi, Greece, where a body has been discovered -Credit:PA

Yesterday, Saturday (June 8), Dr Mosley's wife Claire Bailey issued an emotional statement. The 62-year-old said: "It has been three days since Michael left the beach to go for a walk. The longest and most unbearable days for myself and my children.

"The search is ongoing and our family are so incredibly grateful to the people of Symi, the Greek authorities and the British Consulate who are working tirelessly to help find Michael. We will not lose hope."

Search efforts on Saturday were concentrated on a rugged terrain under the sweltering heat of 40C. Additionally, firefighters were searching through a network of tunnels known locally as 'the abyss'.

The search efforts for the missing man intensified as helicopters, police, and rescuers, including Red Cross volunteers from Kos, scoured the area. The punishing heat was described by one team finishing their shift as "nearly insufferable".

Dr Mosley is known for appearing on television programmes such as ITV's This Morning and BBC's The One Show. He was also one of the presenters of the series Trust Me, I'm a Doctor, which was also aired on BBC.

Recently, the doctor presented two Channel 4 series, Secrets of Your Big Shop and Who Made Britain Fat? His programmes have won Emmy and RTS awards and he was named the medical journalist of the year by the British Medical Association in 1995.