New Bristol youth club in former pub set to open this autumn

The Swan pub set to be changed into a multipurpose space for the community -Credit:John Myers
The Swan pub set to be changed into a multipurpose space for the community -Credit:John Myers

A new youth club in Barton Hill is set to open to the public this autumn. It will be located in the former pub The Swan which closed four years ago.

The former pub is currently being renovated by the Wellspring Settlement, a community centre located next door to it. Employees who are involved in the project have said they are confident ‘work will be finished by ‘autumn this year.’

The details on what will be on offer in the new space are yet to be announced. The activities will be decided by a planning group which includes young people from Barton Hill who are also being invited to name the new building once it opens.

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The former pub located on the corner of Morley Street and Bright Street closed in 2020, but converting the old pub building has been challenging with work taking longer than originally expected. Young people in the area who have been engaging with staff working on the project have said they often have nowhere locally to go after school.

Luis, who has been working at the settlement for 20 years said in a recent interview on the charity's website: “ Most of the [young] people we spoke to said they either just go home after school and sit in their rooms, or they have to go out of the area to do other activities. A lot of people said they don’t feel safe going out of the area, they’re away from their safe area.

“There’s so much enthusiasm for the space from the local kids, it’s been great to see them getting involved with the planning and making it their own. Lockdown put lots of pressure on families with teenagers who live in small flats, and the anxieties around leaving the house have continued.

“Lots of families have said their teenagers regularly miss school and stay in their rooms due to this anxiety. Having a local, safe place to go and activities to do will encourage young people to get out more, and build their confidence in being back out in the world.”