British tourist stabbed to death outside Spanish nightclub at holiday hotspot

A British tourist has been stabbed to death outside a nightclub in Spain.
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A British holidaymaker has tragically lost his life after being fatally stabbed during a confrontation outside the well-known Oxygen nightclub in the coastal town of Calella, roughly 30 miles from Barcelona.

The incident unfolded at about 5am on Friday, according to Catalan Police, with witness accounts suggesting that the altercation ensued among tourists near the venue in the early hours.

He tragically passed away at the scene. While no one has been apprehended yet, a major inquiry into the case is underway.

It is also understood that another individual sustained injuries and is currently receiving care in hospital.

The Catalan police force, Mossos d'Esquadra, is spearheading the probe. In an official statement, they confirmed: "This morning there was a fight in a nightclub in the city.", reports the Mirror.

"The result of the incident is one dead and one injured, who has been taken to a hospital. The attack was by knife."

It is reported that local officials have reached out to the British Consulate to aid in notifying the deceased's family and to commence arrangements for the repatriation of the remains back to the UK.