Campaign group is formed in a bid to BAN HGV's from thundering through Ayrshire street

Scenes like this could be a thing of the past- if campaigners have their way
-Credit: (Image: DAILY RECORD)

A campaign group has been formed in a bid to BAN trucks and HGVs from thundering through Girvan’s Dalrymple Street, Ayrshire Live can exclusively reveal.

The Dalrymple Street Project say they want to “reclaim” the main route through the centre of the Ayrshire town. And they have asked the public for their views as they seek support in making the busy street ‘HGV free.’

The street has been used for decades by large commercial vehicles heading to the ferry ports at Cairnryan and Stranraer. But if campaigners get their way, then haulage firms may be forced to re-think their daily routes through Girvan.

In an appeal to local residents The Dalrymple Street Project said: “Our aim is to reclaim Dalrymple Street from the HGVs, their noise, their exhaust fumes, their destructive impact on the buildings from their hugely increased weight and numbers as they thunder through Girvan, making Dalrymple Street a place that feels unwelcoming and unsafe to many.

“We believe that what was once the business and cultural centre of our town can be made into a vibrant and welcoming space again, to the benefit of our small businesses, our residents, the people of Girvan, tourists and visitors alike.”

And in a direct appeal the group said: “To achieve this we need your voices. Do you think the HGVs and large vehicles impact you, your business, your home, the way you use Dalrymple Street? Please e-mail Cath or Zanne with your opinions and stories at so we can start to reclaim the heart of town.”

And the group has already secured some backing. Tourist information resource, Go Girvan, said they are “proud” to support the project. And the appeal is also gaining traction on social media.

One local resident said: “I’d love to install a seismograph in my place by Stumpy and record the vibrations. We have tremors constantly- and the masonry is falling out from round the window frames - all down to heavy traffic.”

And one woman said: “Need to also involve the A77 campaign team. They have been lobbying for a bypass for Girvan for some time. I live on Henrietta Street and the number of large trucks as definitely increased. They keep me awake at night. Would be great to see Dalrymple Street truck free, it’s dangerous.”

Another Dalrymple Street resident said: “I live at the bottom of Dalrymple Street. The road was not built for the size of trucks that use it now, they were way smaller and lighter when the bypass was refused.

“My bedroom is about five metres from the trucks as they pass, The noise is horrendous. The whole house shakes as they pass. They definitely don’t stay within the speed limit at night, which maybe should be reduced to 20mph. When there is even the smallest beginnings of a pothole the windows rattle and the whole house jumps. I wonder what the constant vibrations are doing to the houses, they weren’t built for this treatment.”

She added: “To be able to make the top end of the street pedestrianised would be brilliant, it could help make Girvan a destination town, rather than a route to the ferries. But finding a different route for the traffic is a problem.”

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