Care home hosts week of charity sports activities

Oxford Beaumont held a week of fundraising events <i>(Image: Oxford Beaumont)</i>
Oxford Beaumont held a week of fundraising events (Image: Oxford Beaumont)

A care home near Oxford has enjoyed a week of sport activities, walks, a cake sale and a badminton tournament for charity.

Staff and residents at Oxford Beaumont, in Boars Hill, came together to support Barchester’s Charitable Foundation.

The foundation, set up in 2000, helps older people and those living with disabilities or mental health problems connect with their communities.

Residents and staff took part in a week of fundraising (Image: Oxford Beaumont)

The care home hosted a badminton tournament, raffle and BBQ, raising more than £200 with additional online donations.

Last year, the foundation received donations totalling £225,000, helping 160 small groups and charities, and 87 individuals.

Donations can be made online via the foundation's website.

The home hosted a cake sale (Image: Oxford Beaumont)

General manager at Oxford Beaumont, Shaju Paul, said: "We had the most wonderful day, it was so lovely to see everyone come together to take part and raise such a brilliant amount of money for Barchester’s Charitable Foundation, it is a great charity that helps many people in need, particularly lonely older people, which is a cause very close to our hearts.

"Plus, it’s good for our own wellbeing to move as much as we can.

"We want to say massive thanks to everyone involved, we all had so much fun and we helped raise vital funds into the bargain."

Oxford Beaumont is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the largest care providers in the UK, and provides nursing, residential and respite care.