Carol Vorderman has got the Tories' number - it's time to get them out

Carol Vorderman
-Credit: (Image: Instagram)

Carol Vorderman is famous for being able to crunch numbers quickly. So when the Countdown legend calculates that voters can help to wipe out the Tories in Scotland, people should pay attention.

The TV host and social media star does not hold back when it comes to her opinions on 14 years of Conservative misrule at Westminster. While other celebrities chose to keep their thoughts to themselves when it came to obvious disasters like Brexit, Carol chose to say it like it is.

It’s refreshing when people in positions of influence speak their mind and don’t hide behind whatever stance is likely to boost their career.

Many celebs would rather run a mile than be asked for an honest opinion on the state of politics in the UK. But Carol speaks for millions when she says the country needs a break from the chaotic Conservatives.

With some smart voting on July 4 – next Thursday – the public could hand the party a historic thrashing. The Record is confident Keir Starmer will deliver for ordinary people and we urge Scots to give him a chance to turn the UK around.

We are clear in our endorsement for Labour and believe the party is best placed to take power. But as we said when we declared our support for Labour on Tuesday, in some seats it’s worth voting tactically to kick the Tories out.

If that means voting SNP to prevent Conservatives from taking office, that’s the best thing to do. Carol is right. Boot the Tories out.

Voters cast aside

It is absolutely unacceptable that people are losing the right to vote due to delays in getting postal ballots out. Postal votes were brought in to allow people to cast their ballot when they are unable to make it to the polling station.

Many folk knew they would not be at home this time round, so prepared properly and put in their application. But lots of them will not get an opportunity to express their view because they have not received their ballot paper before they go on holiday.

That is a disgrace to this country’s democratic principles. Rishi Sunak took no account of Scots being on school holidays when he called the election.

It demonstrates the typical contempt that the Conservatives have for Scotland. Something must be done to allow those who have not received their postal votes to cast their ballot on July 4.

This is a once in a generation opportunity to bring change to this country and nobody should miss out.

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