Catfish killer who lured retired teacher to home after gay site hookup sentenced for life

A killer who lured a retired Fettes College teacher to his death in a disturbing catfishing plot has been jailed for 22 years.

Paul McNaughton murdered 75-year-old Peter Coshan in a flat in Leith on either August 11 or 12, 2022. The 29-year-old lured the former teacher to the address after using a fake profile on a gay hook-up site.

McNaughton first met the retired biology teacher online in 2021. He proceeded to steal tens of thousands of pounds from his lover after gaining access to his bank accounts.

When Mr Coshan found out about the thefts, he threatened to go to the police unless McNaughton provided him with free sexual favours. However, McNaughton hatched a chilling plot to kill the retired teacher after becoming “fed up” with the situation.

He set up a fake profile on Gaydar on July 26, 2022, using a picture of "random off the internet" before matching with Mr McNaughton and exchanging communications. Just days before he is suspected to have killed Mr Coshan, disturbing CCTV footage shows McNaughton purchasing shovels from an unknown shop.

Peter Coshan worked as a biology teacher at Fettes College in Edinburgh before retiring.
Paul McNaughton

After conducting the brutal murder, McNaughton, along with his flatmate Paul Black, 65, went on to hide the pensioner's body. On August 15, then transported it in a suitcase and drove it to a layby on the A696 between Otterburn and Belsay in Northumberland, where they dumped it next to a wall.

McNaughton was sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommendation that he serve a minimum of 22 years behind bars at Glasgow High Court on Monday. He was jailed after admitting to murder and attempting to pervert the course of justice before Black's trial last year.

Black was cleared of murder following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh in May, with the jury returning a not proven verdict. However, during the trial, he admitted to attempting to pervert the course of justice and was sentenced to five and a half years.

Following sentencing, Moira Orr, who leads on homicide and major crime for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS), said: "This was a callous and brutal murder of an elderly man who was quietly enjoying his retirement.

“Peter was loved by his family and friends in the local community. He had a positive impact on the lives of so many people. But his own life was cut short by the despicable actions of Paul McNaughton.

“He showed a cavalier disregard for his actions and will now serve a life sentence for his crimes. As prosecutors, we have worked hard to deliver justice for Peter and his family. The COPFS team used every tool at our disposal to ensure these two men faced the consequences of their horrific crimes.

“Our thoughts remain with Peter’s friends and family who have waited patiently for justice to be served as they come to terms with today’s outcome.”

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