Charity concert by Rotary Club of Stowmarket raises £1300 for hospice

The Rotary Club of Stowmarket Gipping Valley recently held a concert in aid of the St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
The Rotary Club of Stowmarket Gipping Valley recently held a concert in aid of the St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich (Image: Submitted)

A Stowmarket club has raised £1300 for a hospice through a music concert.

The Rotary Club of Stowmarket Gipping Valley organised the event featuring the St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir and solo artist, Jess Hughes.

Once expenses were deducted, all proceeds went to the St Elizabeth Hospice in Ipswich.

This funding is crucial as many hospices face financial pressure, according to Craig Duncan, interim chief executive of Hospice UK.

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Mr Duncan said: “While hospices as a general rule were going into the pandemic with a reasonably strong level of reserves, the financial outlook was felt by most to be challenging.

"In 2020, for the first time in many years the hospice sector as a whole had made a deficit after taking into account investment losses”

The rising deficit underlines the importance of community fundraising efforts.

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Although the situation has slightly improved, hospices still rely on people's goodwill to survive.

Concerts like this directly help local hospices assist people when they most need support.

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