Colchester resident deploys Spongebob-themed raft for public to enjoy

Raft - Leo and Miley Blenkhorn on the raft <i>(Image: Stephen Vince)</i>
Raft - Leo and Miley Blenkhorn on the raft (Image: Stephen Vince)

A COLCHESTER resident deployed his own cartoon-themed raft over the weekend for all to enjoy.

Stephen Vince has moored a raft down by Victoria Esplanade, in West Mersea, to be used by the public over the summer.

The raft, named Bikini Bottom, is decorated with Spongebob Squarepants characters, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo alongside different Australian landmarks.

Raft - Leo and Miley Blenkhorn on the raft (Image: Stephen Vince)

Stephen said: "There used to be a whole fleet of the rafts down by the sea but the council don't put them out anymore.

"This is my own personal raft and it's for the use of all the kids.

"I'm celebrating the fact that this one is just there and people can use it for their leisure."

His grandchildren were there for the grand reveal of the raft on June 24 and look forward to spending more time on it over the coming weeks.

Stephen's grandchildren Leo Blenkhorn, six, and Miley Blenkhorn, four, live in Australia, hence the Aussie theme.

He added: "I'd also like to say a special thanks to Simon Clarke for sourcing the chain."