Cold homeless man who set fire to door of Gateshead Specsavers while trying to keep warm jailed

John Pope, jailed for arson
John Pope, jailed for arson -Credit:Northumbria Police

A cold homeless man who started a fire to keep warm outside Specsavers caused £1,000 of damage after it got out of hand.

John Pope was living rough and under the influence of drugs on a chilly January night when he decided to set a fire at the back door of Specsavers, on Jackson Street, in Gateshead. After watching it get out of hand, he fled the scene.

Staff returned the next morning, January 13, to find the back door damaged. Omar Ahmad, prosecuting, told Newcastle Crown Court: "CCTV showed the defendant standing by the fire before walking off.

"Later that day, a police officer saw the defendant and recognised him from the footage. He was cautioned and arrested and was clearly under the influence of drugs."

Pope, 41, who has 146 previous convictions, admitted arson - on the basis he was homeless and cold when he set the fire and that he walked away when it got out of hand - and possessing two bladed articles in relation to lock knives found on him when he was arrested. He was jailed for six months.

Sue Hirst, defending, said: "It was cold and was January and he was under the influence of drugs and the whole thing got out of control." She added that Pope has struggled with life and went into a downward spiral.