Complaints grass around Colchester estate has 'not been cut for weeks'

Overgrown - Problems with grass-cutting in certain Colchester areas is causing issues <i>(Image: Councillor Dave Harris)</i>
Overgrown - Problems with grass-cutting in certain Colchester areas is causing issues (Image: Councillor Dave Harris)

LARGE areas of grass are not being cut within certain parts of Colchester, with 'No Mow May' being a potential reason.

Residents say grass verges in areas of the Berechurch ward look like they have not been cut for weeks on end.

Berechurch councillor Dave Harris said: “I do respect No Mow May, but the verges have been left again.

“I have cut the bit outside my house but I can’t do the whole road.

“There has been an influx of grass seeds into dog’s paws and with grass ears going into ears of dogs like spaniels.”

A spokesman for Colchester City Council said: “We appreciate the concerns raised by Councillor Harris about uncut grass in Berechurch and Old Heath.

“We understand the frustration. Our contractor, Idverde, is working hard to maintain our green spaces.

"However, the recent wet spring followed by warmer temperatures has caused undergrowth to surge, putting them roughly a week behind schedule with their cutting programme.

“The good news is that these areas, including Monkwick, Blackheath and Old Heath, can expect to be mowed within the next few days. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

“You can find the full schedule for grass cutting in your area on the Colchester City Council website.”