Concerns grow for missing man from Ayrshire

Missing man Robert Pirie
-Credit: (Image: Submitted/Ayrshire Post /)

Police have this morning issued an appeal for help to trace a man missing from Ayr.

Robert Pirie, 55, was last seen in the Craigston Avenue area of Ayr, around 2.30am this morning (Monday, May 27). He is described as being around 5ft 9in in height, of medium build with short silver hair.

When last seen he was wearing a white t-shirt and navy blue and burgundy pyjama trousers. He may now be wearing a pair of Nike trainers.

Sergeant Fraser Chisholm said: “This is out of character and concerns are growing for Robert. We are keen to trace him as soon as possible.

“Our enquiries are ongoing to trace Robert and we are appealing for anyone who has seen him, or who has any information on his whereabouts to contact us.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting reference 0461 of 27 May 2024.

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