Convicted killer hit mum of four on Nottingham ring road crossing and broke her back

Photo shows Junaid Farrukh who has been recalled to prison
-Credit: (Image: Nottinghamshire Police)

A convicted killer mowed down a mum-of-four on Nottingham ring road leaving her “life changed completely” with a broken back. Nottingham Crown Court heard how Junaid Farrukh, who was jailed for almost 10 years for manslaughter in 2016, careered into the woman as she walked across a pedestrian crossing in Western Boulevard, close to Crown Island.

The 29-year-old, part of a gang who ambushed and knifed to death 21-year-old Aqib Mazar eight years ago, sent the victim into the air before she landed on the tarmac on the dual carriageway. And in a victim impact statement, the woman told how she now struggles to lift her young children and “give them piggybacks” like she used to be able to.

Handing him a nine-month jail sentence, Judge Michael Auty KC said: “In short, you took a risk going through an amber light and quite frankly could not stop and the effect of what you did was profound on the victim as we have heard in her potent impact statement.

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“It has had a devastating impact on her life, there were many fractures and she has been profoundly physically and psychologically harmed.”

Victoria Rose, prosecuting, said the victim was crossing Western Boulevard at around 11.40am on January 26, last year. She said other cars had stopped at the red light but a car being driven by the defendant drove into the victim.

The prosecutor said: “Her recollection is that she pressed the button, two cars stopped and the next thing she remembers is being hit by a car, being sent through the air and landing on the ground. Another driver said he was stationary at the traffic lights, had a clear view and noticed Mr Farrukh’s vehicle coming at speed.

“He said the victim was halfway across the crossing and was hit by the car and forced in the air.” Miss Rose said the defendant stayed at the scene and the emergency services arrived to take the woman to hospital.

She said there, it was discovered she had suffered two fractured vertebrae in her back and other broken bones. The prosecutor read out a victim impact statement made by the woman.

In it, she said: “This has changed my life completely for the worse. I will not be able to have a normal life again.” Miss Rose said: “She was an active mother of four children, raising them while her husband went to work but she is no longer able to play with the children in the ways she used to.

“She is no longer able to give them piggybacks.” Farrukh, formerly of Heatherwood Close, Oakwood, Derby and now of HMP Nottingham, pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by careless driving.

As well as the 2016 manslaughter of Mr Mazhar, he has previous convictions including dangerous driving. Tina Riley, mitigating, said following the January 2023 incident, her client had been recalled on his licence for the manslaughter and has a parole hearing to discuss his potential release this October.

As well as the jail term, the judge disqualified Farrukh from driving for two years and four months.