County Durham and Darlington Fire Service issues water safety advice after recent River Tyne deaths

Durham and Darlington Fire Service is giving water safety advice to people in the North East after the recent River Tyne deaths. This comes during Drowning Prevention Week, with the Fire Service urging people not to take risks near the water.

In Ovingham last month, David Radut, 14, and Aras Rudzianskas, 13, sadly died after getting into difficulty in the water. This was followed by calls for more safety measures to be put in place in order to prevent tragic accidents like this from happening again.

Back in 2022, Robert Hattersley, who was 13, died on the same stretch of river. There have been a lot more incidents like this in recent years, with an 85% increase in the number of child drownings in England between 2019 and 2022.

County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service is urging people not to enter the water if they see some in difficulty and instead follow its Call, Tell, Throw advice:

  • Call 999 and ask for the Fire Service, or the Coastguard if you’re at the beach.

  • Explain where you are. You can use landmarks or the ‘what3words’ app for the exact location.

  • Tell the person in the water not to panic and to float on their back.

  • Throw them something that floats such as lifebelts or throw bags if nearby.

Durham and Darlington Fire Service gives water safety advice after recent River Tyne deaths
Durham and Darlington Fire Service gives water safety advice after recent River Tyne deaths -Credit:DDFRS

Allan Hobson, Station Manager of Community Safety at CDDFRS, said: "Although water looks inviting, there are many hazards and dangers below the surface of the water that you cannot see. This includes strong undercurrents which can drag and hold even the most confident swimmers underneath the surface of the water.

"Despite the warm weather, the water can still be cold enough to induce cold water shock which can seriously affect your ability to control your breathing and prevent you from swimming to safety. We are calling on the public not to enter open water without adequate training and supervision as the consequences can be life threatening.

"If you get into difficulty in the water and cannot reach a point of safety, try to float on your back and shout for help, and don’t let your favourite spot, become your final one. If you see others in trouble in the water, do not enter the water, and call 999 and ask for the Fire Service or the Coastguard.

"Look at what else you can use if there is no lifesaving equipment, even a ball can help, and if they are attached to a rope, make sure you hold or secure the end so you can pull the person in. Remember, the person will always need medical attention when they get out of the water even if they seem fine, as they may have hypothermia or water in the lungs."