Couple find 'grotesque' imp hidden above their loo

Shocked homeowners Tracy and Rory Vorster were initially stumped when they first uncovered the stone-carved sprite
Shocked homeowners Tracy and Rory Vorster were initially stumped when they first uncovered the stone-carved sprite -Credit:No credit

A couple were left stunned when they happened upon a medieval gargoyle hidden above their toilet. The stone-carved imp was discovered by Tracy and Rory Vorster nestled beneath a wooden panel in the bathroom of their home.

Rory, a 41-year-old cybersecurity worker, was cleaning the lavatory when he stumbled upon the eerie find. After unveiling the ghastly figure on social media, it was suggested by experts at Lincoln Cathedral that it's part of an historical drainage system dating back to the 14th century.

Rory, a father of three, said of his discovery: "I couldn't believe it. I shouted up to my wife and said, 'I've found a thing'."

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He added: "The whole of the house has kind of a hollow walling, so we immediately thought there could be more, in fact we're almost certain now." The Vorsters moved into their 700 year old abode on March 1. Rory said: "The previous occupant had been here for over 20 years, so surely they knew, but we had absolutely no clue it was there."

The home in Vicars Court is owned by Lincoln Cathedral and is believed to be the home of a former vicar. A Survey of Ancient Houses in Lincoln vol II: Houses to the South and West of the Minster in 1887 first recorded the carving as a "grotesque mask which forms the drain".

Salon owner Tracy said the couple's previous home was "definitely haunted, that's why we ended up leaving."