Creative Scotland chiefs to face Holyrood committee over sex cave art installation

Creative Scotland chief executive Iain Munro spoke to MSPs on Thursday <i>(Image: Holyrood TV)</i>
Creative Scotland chief executive Iain Munro spoke to MSPs on Thursday (Image: Holyrood TV)

Creative Scotland chiefs will face a grilling from a Holyrood committee over a controversial art installation which was awarded £86,000 in taxpayer funding.

Rein was given the money for a 45 minute show which would see performers paid to engage in sexual acts, with funding later withdrawn after the nature of the project came to light.

Creative Scotland said there had been a "significant change" to the installation since the application but, as revealed by The Herald, the funding body was told that Rein would involve a "sex scene with genital contact”.

The project was awarded £23,210 in August 2022 at its research and development phase, and then £84,555 in January 2024 through the Open Fund for Individuals following an application, assessment, and panel decision process. Of the total award, £76,196 was withdrawn.

Holyrood's Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee wrote to Creative Scotland on March 25 noting the public concerns around the funding award and calling for the original application to be published.

Following the release of the documents, Chief Executive of Creative Scotland, Iain Munro and Robert Wilson, the Chair of the Board will give evidence to the committee on Thursday May 30.

The members of the committee are Clare Adamson and Keith Brown of the SNP, Alexander Stewart and Meghan Gallacher of the Scottish Conservatives, Neil Bibby of Scottish Labour and Mark Ruskell of the Scottish Greens.