Dad thought 'what have I done' as fire crew and police descended on takeaway

Several fire engines were present on Dale Street
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

A dad and son were working in a takeaway when police ordered them to leave immediately.

Merseyside Police received a report of a burglary this morning in Liverpool city centre. At around 10.15am, it was also reported that an alarm was activated and there was fire inside a building on Dale Street.

Multiple fire engines, police cars, a MATRIX van and an ambulance rushed to the scene. A police helicopter also hovered over Dale Street and nearby roads in the area.

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Mr Majid, 60, and his son are electricians and were doing work inside the Lemon and Lime takeaway at the time. They had parked their car on the adjacent Eberle Street.

Mr Majid told the ECHO: “I was working just changing the valves. Suddenly the police and everybody came.

“I was a bit shocked. It was the first time this sort of thing has ever happened to me. The first thing you think is, ‘what have I done?’”

Initially, he believed the police were going to tell him he couldn't park his car on Eberle Street, but was told there had been reports of a fire.

He said: “I know by law you’re allowed to park here. When I came out the police were asking me, what are you doing here, can you give me access? I did of course and I called the owner of the shop straight away.”

They were told to leave the building immediately. After Mr Majid stepped outside, he claimed he saw smoke coming from the second floor of the building. He said: “The smoke was really bad from upstairs.”

His son agreed, adding that the smoke was “coming all the way down the building”. However, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service attended the scene and found no sign of a fire in the building.

The owner of the Lemon and Lime takeaway, who asked to remain anonymous, said he was at home with his family but rushed to Lemon and Lime as soon as he heard about the incident. He also claimed he saw smoke from the second floor.

He said: “I was scared and anxious obviously. Smoke was coming down the building. I thought it was in the shop but it was from the second floor.

“The security alarm there looks for motion and if it’s detected it sends an alarm, but the alarm exploded. Once that happened, all the fire alarms went off.”

He added he was relieved that no damage was done to the shop and nobody was seriously injured.

As the emergency services arrived, Dale Street was closed to cars and buses from the junction of North John Street by the Lady of Mann pub to Sir Thomas Street, close to the Municipal Hotel. Roads off Dale Street in this area such as Moorfields were blocked to cars too.

The work of the fire crews were concentrated on Leather Lane, a path off Dale Street, inside the building where Lemon and Lime is located, with multiple firefighters entering and exiting throughout the morning. People were blocked from walking down Leather Lane from both Dale Street and Hackins Hey.

Road closures were lifted just before midday. Officers remained at the scene to carry out enquiries.

Merseyside Police have asked anyone in the area with information, CCTV or dashcam footage can contact the force on 101 or Facebook ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ with log 307 of 16 June.

You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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