How’d the FBI: International Season 3 Premiere Write Out Jamie? — Plus, Heida Reed Shares Message With Fans

The following contains spoilers from the Feb. 13 Season 3 premiere of CBS’ FBI: International.

The Season 3 premiere of CBS’ FBI: International largely revolved around the fallout of the bomb that practically leveled the Fly Team’s HQ at the close of last May’s finale. Once the dust literally cleared, Scott found the team down a key player.

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The good news is that the bombing not only failed to take out its primary target, travel blogger/terrorist asset Olivia Thornton, no Fly Team members lost their lives either — though Smitty was found a bit concussed/dazed. Alas, as the team surveyed the aftermath/their situation, Raines spied a falling beam and lunged to push Damien out of harm’s way. As a result, Raines himself had a leg crushed/pinned by the beam. And while that in and of itself was visually gnarly, once he was raced to the hospital, the news grew more grim: a femoral artery had been busted open, and Raines was losing blood as fast as the local hospital could replenish it.

It looked as if Raines might need a major amputation, and possibly even lose his life, but Jubal (via a mini FBI crossover) arranged for a top vascular surgeon to get flown to Budapest, and stop the bleeding. Raines will need some rehab, but he seemed good with riding a desk until he can rejoin the Fly Team in the field.

And yet the Fly Team will be down a longtime agent, given that Jamie announced ahead of the premiere’s final act that she was quitting.

Last month, TVLine reported that as the result of a creative decision, series vet Heida Reed — who had played Special Agent Jamie Kellett since the CBS procedural’s 2021 launch — would be leaving early in Season 3. Helping fill the on-screen void, Christina Wolfe (The Ark, Batwoman) debuted in Tuesday night’s premiere as Special Agent Amanda Tate.

“I’m leaving this, the Fly Team,” and transferring to the Washington, D.C. field office, Jamie told a very surprised Scott & Co. Jamie explained that when her sister June took her life, she had made a promise to “live my life for the both of us,” and that while she has checked off a lot of boxes — “I served my country, traveled, fell in love” (with Scott, once upon a time) — “I ran away from my grief.” Now, “it’s time to go back home.”

At episode’s end, Scott accompanied Jamie to the train station, where she waxed romantic about always wanting to bid a sad goodbye to someone she cared about as a train pulled away. And while Scott offered to dutifully run alongside the train as it left, Jamie waved off the sweet gesture.

“Go easy on yourself, Scott,” she told her onetime flame amid a very warm farewell hug. “Not everything you carry needs to be carried.”

UPDATE: On Wednesday morning, after her FBI: I swan song, Reed shared a couple of BTS premiere photos on Instagram, with the message: “Thank you SO MUCH to the fans for letting Jamie into your hearts 💕 Agent Kellett out!”

What did you think about the FBI: International Season 3 premiere, Raines’ plight, Agent Tate’s debut and Jamie’s sudden sendoff?

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