The disgraced police officers caught chasing women for sex

They vowed to serve the public and uphold the law. But these police officers took advantage of the uniform for their own gratification.

From having secret affairs with victims of crimes they were supposed to be investigating, to pursuing colleagues for improper sexual relationships, these police officers found themselves out of work, or in court, after bringing the profession into disrepute.

Simon Rose

Greater Manchester Police officer Simon Rose was jailed for misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice -Credit:GMP
Greater Manchester Police officer Simon Rose was jailed for misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice -Credit:GMP

GMP officer Simon Rose was jailed in 2022 after he formed a secret sexual relationship with an alleged rape victim and tried to thwart a raid on her home. A judge told Rose that he had let down his colleagues and the general public as he ordered him to serve three years.


Judge Swinnerton told Rose, an officer with Greater Manchester Police since 2007, that victims of sexual abuse feel under great pressure about reporting matters to the authorities. “It is wholly unacceptable if one of those factors might be them subsequently being targeted by a predatory police officer.”

Rose, 48, was convicted of misconduct in public office and attempting to pervert the course of justice after a nine-day trial.

Mark Turner

Mark Turner -Credit:LancsLive
Mark Turner -Credit:LancsLive

PCSO Mark Turner was barred from policing in August 2023 after he pursued inappropriate relationships with women he met while working for Greater Manchester Police.

Turner, 38, was also convicted and fined for abusing police computers after he checked records of a domestic violence call out for a woman he had previously met while on the beat. The pair exchanged sexually charged messages.

Preston Crown Court heard that in 2018 married Turner embarked on a sexting relationship with a woman he met while investigating a theft from her place of work, in Marple, Stockport. The messages between the pair 'made the most racy Carry On film look like Songs of Praise', the court heard.

After hearing details of the salacious text affair, much of which was conducted while Turner was on duty, the jury at Preston Crown Court took less than two hours to unanimously find Turner guilty of misusing police computers.

He was handed a £2,000 fine and ordered to pay £2,000 prosecution costs.

Simon Beech

GMP officer Simon Beech had inappropriate relationships with two women he met while on duty and pursued at least four more. When the Pc was arrested, he told two of the women not to speak to police or investigators from a watchdog.

In April 2022 a disciplinary panel has ruled he would have been dismissed without notice if he had not already resigned. A two-day hearing organised by the force found the officer abused his position for a sexual purpose.

Paul Banks

Salford Pc Paul Banks was sacked after having an 'improper relationship' with a woman he met 'in the course of his policing duties'. He told her to create an email account and then accessed explicit videos and pictures that she had uploaded to it.

He clicked on these more than 200 times and failed to report them to his colleagues. His own colleagues rooted him out and reported him to the force’s Professional Standards Branch.

In 2022 he was sacked without notice after a gross misconduct meeting.

Abdur-Rehman Adam

Manchester-based British Transport Police officer Abdur-Rehman Adam was sacked for 'seeking the services of a sex worker' while on a training course in London staying in accommodation funded by his force. Adam's actions 'undermined public trust and confidence in policing', Chief Con Lucy D'Orsi ruled.

She said what Adam did was also 'inconsistent with the commitment of policing to address violence against women and girls'.

Christopher Armstrong

Pc Christopher Armstrong was sacked after pursuing a student cop and then engaging in sexual conduct with her at a police station during a nightshift. Armstrong, who had been with GMP for 13 years, admitted it was wrong but insisted it was 'consensual'.

He was said to have driven to the junior colleague's home and 'groped' her and a month later tried to have sex with her in a shower room after giving the probationer a tour of Middleton police station. In July 2022 he was sacked by Greater Manchester Police following a disciplinary hearing.

Andrew McLullich

Insp Andrew McLullich had sex with another officer in the middle of a Screwfix car park and shared lurid messages about female colleagues. The acting inspector, of Merseyside Police, swapped texts about other female colleagues - describing one new recruit as 'tip top, only 19' and 'impressionable too'.

The 42-year-old exchanged WhatsApp messages with a fellow officer, PC Paul Jackson, in which the pair made graphic sexual comments about numerous female colleagues. Jackson described one woman as having 'the best t**s on the block'.

Last month it was reported McLullich was banned from policing following a disciplinary hearing.

Jordan Masterston

Jordan Masterston
Jordan Masterston -Credit:Cheshire Constabulary

Pc Jordan Masterston switched off his body-worn video camera to have sex with a vulnerable woman. The 28-year-old Cheshire Police officer was jailed for three-and-half years after being convicted of misconduct in public office.

Chester Crown Court heard they had consensual sex while her children were asleep upstairs after he visited her at home in December 2021. Judge Michael Leeming said Masterson had 'taken advantage' of the woman for his own sexual purposes.

Adam Hoyle

Pc Adam Hoyle abused his position to establish intimate relationships with four victims of sexual and domestic abuse. Hoyle had sex with the 'vulnerable' women while on duty, having first come into contact with them as part of his role after they had reported crimes to the force.

One complainant was even 'groped' by him in a police station in Merseyside. The 39-year-old was jailed for four years after being found guilty of two counts of misconduct in a public office and two charges of unauthorised access to a police computer.