In the dock: a killer childminder, a neighbour from hell and 'speeding' reality TV star

This week saw pensioners in a quiet Lancashire cul-de-sac breathe a collective sigh of relief as a neighbour from hell was jailed and banned from the streets in Longton. Liam Bain left his neighbours living off nerves and adrenaline as he patrolled the community in paramilitary masks and hurled abuse at them on a daily basis.

Also jailed was a cruel childminder who killed a helpless nine-month-old baby when he fell from his high chair and cried. Karen Foster admitted shaking Harlow Collinge in frustration causing catastrophic injuries.

Each week dozens of defendants pass through the dock in Lancashire's courts and Lancs Live reporters are on hand to cover the most serious cases.


Here we round up the biggest cases of the past week.

Neighbour from hell in Spiderman mask

A neighbour from hell terrorised elderly residents in a peaceful cul-de-sac in the village of Longton. Liam Bain, 35, shouted obscenities, peered through windows and wore Spiderman masks and balaclavas to intimidate the pensioners living in Higher Furlong and Tranmoor.

He used a hose pipe to drench a woman in her 70s, and blocked driveways and entrances to the street with his van. Bain was often seen flexing his muscles in his front window and shadow boxing in the street, with his top off.

He loitered outside his neighbours' homes, played loud music from his van and shone a laser at houses and cars. He even harassed the pensioners using their Ring doorbells when he knew they were out of their homes - knowing they would receive a phone alert.

FULL STORY: 'I'll still be here when you're all dead': Neighbour from Hell in Spiderman mask led reign of terror on quiet cul-de-sac

Pevert thought he was chatting to 13-year-old girl

File image of a person typing on a laptop keyboard
Liam Bain

A pervert who thought he was chatting to a 13-year-old girl called 'Jaz' was snared by an undercover cop. Scott Rice, 38, sent a photo of his face and a separate picture of his penis after inviting the 'teenager' to 'talk dirty' on Kik messenger.

Rice, of Richmond House, Preston, quizzed the girl about being a virgin and said he would have sex with her. The conversation cost the chef his job, relationship and contact with his own children and he spent five weeks in jail.

FULL STORY: Drunk chef thought he was chatting to 'Jaz'... he wasn't

Drug-fuelled spin in Audi left four children without a father

Mohammed Waqas
He thought he was chatting to a 13-year-old (file image) -Credit:PA

On the night of September 29, 2021, Mohammed Waqas was concerned about his car. The battery had gone flat, and it needed charging.

He decided the best way to do with was to go for a quick drive. There list of reasons he shouldn't have was long.

The 33-year-old wasn't insured, the car didn't have an MOT, and he had taken drugs before getting behind the wheel. Waqas had even been advised he should not drive and should notify the DVLA after being diagnosed with epilepsy earlier that year.

FULL STORY: Drug-fuelled spin in Audi left four children without a father, and a dad desperately searching for his son

22 Kids and Counting dad denies speeding charges

The dad of Britain's biggest family, Noel Radford, is set to stand trial accused of speeding on Morecambe's Bay Gateway in his Porsche. Radford, 53, is accused of breaking the 40mph speed limit on December 14, 2023. He is also accused of failing to provide information of a driver alleged to have committed a motoring offence in connection with the same incident.

The 22 Kids and Counting star is understood to have enjoyed a family break in the Netherlands while his case was being heard by Preston magistrates. In a video posted last Friday (May 31) he said the family had "escaped" and had "a bit of a nightmare journey".

FULL STORY: 22 Kids and Counting dad Noel Radford denies Porsche speeding charges

Killer childminder 'shook baby in frustration' when he fell from chair

A childminder who killed a baby boy in her care admitted she shook him 'in frustration' when he fell from a chair and cried. Karen Foster, 62, had been trusted to look after nine-month-old Harlow Collinge while his parents Gemma and Allen were at work on March 1, 2022.

But shortly after arriving at work, Gemma received a call telling her Harlow had suffered a 'medical episode' and was on the way to hospital. The parents rushed to be by their son's side but as the tot was transferred to Manchester Children's Hospital, Foster was arrested on suspicion of GBH.

Medics fought to save Harlow's life but he tragically died four days later.

FULL STORY: Face of killer childminder who 'shook baby in frustration' when he fell from chair and cried

He emptied ex's bank account then stabbed her with a fork

A Blackpool mum was left terrified after her violent ex assaulted her and threatened to burn her house down. Thomas Grady, 24, was in a relationship with the woman after he was released from prison in July 2023.

But by early 2024 a pattern of violence, threats and intimidation emerged after she told him she did not want to carry on seeing him. Preston Crown Court heard that on March 22, Grady phoned his ex and made threats to slash her face and set fire to her house.

The following night he banged on her front door and windows and when she did not let him in, he kicked the door from the hinges before climbing in through the living room window.

FULL STORY: He emptied ex's bank account then stabbed her with a fork in sick revenge act

Albanian cannabis farmer ended up living in misery

An Albanian man who came to the UK on the back of a lorry ended up living in misery in a cannabis farm in Blackburn. Maksim Lamo, 29, thought he would be greeted by a friend when he arrived but was instead forced to work for criminals.

Preston Crown Court heard how Lamo, of Pemberton Street, thought he would be able to get a well paid job in construction after making his way to the UK via Belgium. His parents paid £6,000 to a man who said he would bring him to the UK.

But when he arrived his friend did not turn up to meet him and he was told he had to pay an extra £9,000. The men knew his name and threatened him and his family if he did not work to pay off the debt.

He was driven to Blackburn and set to work in a cannabis factory, which was already running with lights and specialist growing equipment. He received just £200 a month to pay for food and necessities.

FULL STORY: Albanian cannabis farmer thought he would have better life in UK but ended up living in misery

Blackpool dad set to stand trial accused of murdering toddler

A Blackpool dad has appeared in court accused of murdering a toddler in the resort. Daniel Hardcastle appeared over video link for a hearing at Preston Crown Court on June 5.

The 31-year-old, of Central Drive, denies murder of the two-year-old who was found unresponsive on August 19, 2023. The baby was taken to hospital but died two days later from his injuries.

FULL STORY: Blackpool dad set to stand trial accused of murdering toddler in the resort