Does my dog need annual vaccinations? PDSA shares advice for pet owners

Vaccinations help dogs stay protected against diseases <i>(Image: Getty)</i>
Vaccinations help dogs stay protected against diseases (Image: Getty)

Lots of Brits have a pet dog but knowing when they need vaccinations can be tricky.

Vaccinations help prevent our pets from picking up viruses and diseases and to help you understand when they’re needed, the PDSA has shared some useful information.

The vet charity explains via its website that there are four things that dogs should be vaccinated against in the UK – let’s take a look.

What things should my dog be vaccinated against?

The PDSA’s website explains that every dog in the UK should be vaccinated against the following: parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis and infectious hepatitis.

Your dog might also need to be vaccinated against kennel cough and/or rabies but this will depend on their lifestyle.

When should dogs be vaccinated?

Puppies need to be vaccinated but as they grow up, your dog will also need to “have regular boosters throughout their life”, the vet charity explains.

If you’re unsure when your dog needs to be vaccinated or which vaccines they need, you can ask your vet.

A primary course of vaccinations plus yearly boosters will help keep your dog fully protected.

The PDSA says that ideally, puppies should “start their vaccines at around 6-8 weeks old, and have 2 injections, 2-4 weeks apart.” However, some puppies may need three injections within their primary course.

After their final injection, puppies “will be fully protected” for 2-4 weeks.

The charity adds: “Protection lasts 1 year – after which they’ll need a booster.”

When dogs become adults, they’ll need booster vaccinations regularly including a leptospirosis booster every year.

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Then, every three years, they will need “a distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis booster”. This will make sure their immunity doesn’t decrease over time.

If your dog doesn’t receive all their vaccinations, it puts them “at risk of catching infectious diseases.”

You can find out more about vaccinations via the PDSA website.