Dr Alex George says 'it's really hard' as he opens up about grief in emotional video

Emotional man looking at the camera
-Credit: (Image: Dr Alex George/Instagram)

Dr Alex George, who shot to fame on the 2018 series of Love Island, has spoken movingly about his grief after the death of his brother. In a video where he is openly emotional, Alex says "It's really hard".

Alex's younger brother Llyr took his own life in 2020 aged 19 and Alex has gone on to become a mental health campaigner and youth mental health ambassador to the government. In the video Alex reflects on the four years since Llyr's death. For the latest TV & Showbiz news, sign up to our newsletter.

He said: "I find June always the most difficult month because it's the month before my brother died. So each year I think it's a reminder that it's no less of a awful thing than it was the year before. You kind of get past July and think okay, onwards and then June comes round and it's no better not having that person in your life and I think the truth is with grief, we learn to get stronger, the weight never gets lighter.

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"It's hard and losing someone to suicide, it's really hard. It's hard. More questions than there will ever be answers and you just ask yourself, what if? Could it have been different? Did it have to be this way? You'll never know." In the caption, Alex explained he posted the video to encourage men to talk about their grief and show people they are not alone.

He said: "Losing Llyr will leave a hole in my heart for as long as I live. And I’m ok with that. We learn to live with grief. Trying to ‘get over it’ is so stupid because when are we honestly ok that our loved one has died? My goal is to live my life and be able to enjoy his memories. Having him by my side in the good days and the bad.

"I do wonder sometimes if I over share. Maybe some people will judge me or think this too ‘weak’ or vulnerable. I don’t mind, as long as it reaches the person who needs this right now. If you are in grief or struggling with your mental health, at least you know there is at least one other person stood with you. You are not alone. I promise" followed by a blue love heart emoji.

Many of Alex's followers commented messages of support on the post, which he has encouraged his followers to share. Want less ads? Download WalesOnline’s Premium app on Apple or Android.