Drink driver on wrong side of the road loses job and licence

The Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court <i>(Image: IWCP)</i>
The Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court (Image: IWCP)

A 'professional driver' on the Isle of Wight lost his job and his licence after he was seen by police drunkenly swerving and travelling on the wrong side of the road.

Scott Watson, of Arthur Street, Ryde, appeared at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court on June 18.

He pleaded guilty to one count of drink driving - an offence which occurred on May 18.

On the day in question, court heard how officers in a police car saw a vehicle swerving and travelling on the wrong side of Binstead Road, Ryde.

Officers followed and saw the driver pull away from a set of traffic lights at speed while, again, swerving, Lauren Stone, prosecuting, said.

Watson, 44, was pulled over and asked to provide a breath specimen, but initially refused.

He eventually agreed, Ms Stone said, but failed to provide a sufficient amount of breath.

At Newport Police Station, he blew 80 microgrammes when the legal limit is 35.

Defending, Jim Osborne said Watson has lost his job as a professional driver as a result of the offending.

Sentencing Watson, magistrates said: "You can't go back and undo it. You have to face the consequences."

He was handed a 20 month driving ban and ordered to pay costs, totalling £253.