New driving laws could see some motorists banned from having passengers

Vehicles on the motorway
Vehicles on the motorway -Credit:Adam Gerrard

Some motorists could face a ban on carrying passengers in their cars under stringent new driving licence regulations. The proposed 'graduated' driving licence system in England is designed to reduce fatalities among young drivers.

The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (New Drivers) Bill suggests imposing limitations on newly qualified drivers for an initial six-month period after they obtain their licence. Brake's CEO, Ross Moorlock, commented: "We strongly urge other MPs across the House to support this Bill and ensure that we implement the right measures to safeguard those looking to pass their test in the future and make our roads safer for all."

Kim Leadbeater, the MP for Batley and Spen who introduced the Bill, remarked: "As well as restrictions on the number of passengers in the car and on night-time driving, with exemptions, obviously, for work, medical and emergency reasons." She added: "Additional options to consider are the inclusion of rural roads, motorways or dual carriageways as part of the driving test. A requirement during driving lessons that a driver gains experience on different road conditions, and consideration of the engine sizes new drivers are permitted to drive within the first few months of passing their tests."

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Nicholas Lyes, IAM RoadSmart Director of Policy and Standards, responded: "Evidence from around the world shows that graduated driver licensing saves lives and reduces injuries where it has been introduced. In 2022, more than 300 people in Britain lost their lives following a collision involving a younger car driver and more than 4,500 suffered serious injuries.", reports Birmingham Live.

"These are appalling figures and the time has come to urgently take action to stop more needless deaths on our roads. This is why we support a form of graduated driver licensing and why we encourage MPs and politicians from all parties to back this Bill, save lives and make today's youngsters safer drivers of tomorrow."

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