Dudley election candidates on why you should vote for them

Dudley's General Election candidates <i>(Image: Handout pics)</i>
Dudley's General Election candidates (Image: Handout pics)

DUDLEY candidates standing in the upcoming general election have shared their list of priorities if they were to become MP.

Residents will take to the polls across the country on Thursday, July 4, to vote for the next MP to represent them.

Candidates have spoken about their ambitions and goals as they battle to win votes from constituents.

This is what each candidate will prioritise if elected in their own words.

Marco Longhi (Image: handout)

Marco Longhi - Conservative Party

It’s been a privilege to be the Member of Parliament since 2019.

We’ve come a long way since then, working to make Dudley, Gornal and Sedgley a better place to live and work.

I’ve been proud to secure £45m for Dudley’s regeneration, working to protect our heritage by championing the Crooked House campaign in Parliament and working hard to bring Dudley Town FC back home.

I know illegal immigration is an issue for Dudley people, so I’ve been one of the loudest voices in Parliament from banning asylum seekers from my advice surgeries to stopping illegal immigrants being housed in Dudley.

We’ve achieved a lot but there’s more to do.

Please vote to re-elect me on 4th July to carry on with the job and delivering for our communities by putting Dudley, Gornal and Sedgley first.

Sonia Kumar - Labour Party (Image: Sonia Kumar / Labour Party)

Sonia Kumar

I’m honoured to be your Labour candidate in the general election.

I grew up in a working-class family. My parents have been greengrocers for over 40 years. They worked hard so they could provide opportunities for their children. My family have taught me the values of hard work and community.

I'm not a politician. I'm an NHS physiotherapist working in Dudley. But I'm tired of seeing patients struggle. They can’t make appointments as they simply can’t afford public transport to get to the hospital.

Many have been hit by the cost-of-living crisis, high energy bills, and increased mortgage repayments. That’s why I’m standing to serve the people of Dudley in Parliament.

Dudley has a pride and heritage like no other. I am ambitious for Dudley’s future. But we need change. I’m not prepared to stand on the sidelines any longer. I want to serve the people of Dudley and deliver on your priorities.

Andrew Southall (Image: Handout)

Andrew Southall - Reform UK

My name is Andrew Southall and I am standing for Reform UK in the upcoming General Election for Dudley, formally Dudley North but now incorporating the ward of Pensnett and Brockmoor.

Much like you, I want my country back. I want to prise it out of the hands of the woke, globalist establishment and give it back to the citizens of this country.

I also want to be a first class representative of Dudley, the town I grew up in. I want to represent you with a loud common sense voice in parliament, and run my constituency office like a business.

A business that puts its customers, the taxpayer and those in genuine need, first. Right now, nobody is getting good service, the mood is rightly demuir if not downright angry. If you elect me, my constituency office will be comprised of local folk who know the area, understand the issues and will deal with the ailments of the day to the best of our ability.

Ian Flynn (Image: Handout)

Ian Flynn - Liberal Democrats

An important General Election is coming on July 4th. You have the chance to use your vote to bring positive change. As your Liberal Democrat candidate, I have the privilege to ask you to lend me your vote.

It has been a difficult 15+ years but the Conservatives have let us all down in so many ways. Dudley and the United Kingdom deserve better than this.

I was born here in the West Midlands and have lived in Dudley Borough for 10 years. I understand the challenges and opportunities that our community faces. I bring experience from working in different jobs, including education, automotive, finance, hospitality, retail and local government, and as a part-time carer for my elderly father. I am committed to standing up for you for a fairer deal as our local residents and businesses, as a strong advocate for Dudley and the Black Country in Parliament, and as a hard-working case worker for you locally. Key priorities for me are skills and opportunity, tackling the cost of living, Dudley town centre regeneration and access to healthcare. And a bit more honesty about the challenges we face and how it is all going to be paid for.

Dharmanand Mortha (Image: Handout)

Dharmanand Mortha - Independent

My name is Dharmanand Mortha, and I’m not a career politician, but a passionate citizen of Dudley. On 4th July, we have an opportunity to reshape our future and break free from the status quo.

For almost a decade, Dudley has been my home—a place where I've built my life and raised my family. I've experienced the warmth and resilience of this community first-hand. I stand before you not just as a candidate, but as a neighbour, friend, and fellow resident who deeply cares about our town's future.

For too long, we've been let down by the same old parties with their empty promises. It's time for change. It's time for a fresh perspective and an independent voice that truly represents our community’s interests.

I hold a Doctorate in Business Administration and have extensive experience in education, business management, banking, and agriculture. My leadership and passion drive me to bring about the positive changes we deserve.

Why Choose Dharmanand Mortha?

• Freedom from Party Politics: My loyalty is to you, the people of Dudley.

• Experienced Leader: I bring practical solutions to tackle our challenges.

• Innovative Solutions: From revitalising our economy to enhancing public services, I bring fresh ideas.

• Community First: I will prioritise better healthcare, improved education, and enhanced public transport.

Shakeela Bibi (Image: Handout)

Shakeela Bibi - Independent

I am a Dudley Resident, working professionally in further education, with over 16 years of community work to my credit.

My voluntary work includes supported housing, assisting families, women’s groups, foodbanks, youth clubs and raising considerable amounts for local and international charities.

I will fight to ensure our tax is spent on the needs of our community, not wars abroad. I will prioritise Dudley and our people above money and appeasing the rich benefactors the way Labour and Conservatives do. I will work to ensure our people are looked after, our area improved and invested in.

Unlike the other candidates, I’m here for Dudley all year round, not just at election time.

I am standing to be MP because I care about our community and the people in it, not for career advancement or political gain.

I work closely with an army of volunteers and Dudley residents including community champions, businesspeople, charity workers and award-winning corporate problem solvers.

We have the skills and desire to serve and unite Dudley.

Aftab Hussain (Image: Handout)

Aftab Hussain - Worker's Party of Britain

I started working in the community as a youth worker in my early teens and have continued my passion for helping others within my profession as a social worker, my role has enabled me to experience first-hand, the vast issues that many in society face some of which include social isolation, youth exploitation and poverty largely due to the cost of living crisis, these issues coupled with the lack of resources to help people to help themselves sadly can lead to mental health issues or alcohol/ substance misuse as a method of coping.

Our communities are struggling because no one is actively looking at early solutions to the problems but rather trying to manage crises that could have been prevented.

Why do we have an increase in suicide- because society is becoming impossible to survive and for already vulnerable individuals this seems the only way out, we need to change this swiftly by promoting affordable living and funding so that access to the right help at the earliest time is achievable, because every life matters!

This is not just a campaign for me, this is me, as a father, trying to build a better future, a better Dudley for all of our children.

Zia Qari - Green Party (Image: Zia Qari / Green Party)

Zia Qari - Green Party

I am standing for the Green Party because we need MPs that will stand up for our NHS. It must not be sold off on the cheap or allowed to be exploited by private companies to extract profit.

The Green Party opposes injustice at home and internationally. We speak up for the vulnerable who have been punished by the Conservative government for many years, and abroad we will stand up for the people of Palestine and support Ukraine.

The Green Party stands for environmental, economic, and social justice. We want fairness for all - not just those with access to the levers of power and influence. This includes not just people but nature as well.

Last year was the hottest on record and our very existence is under threat from climate change. Green MPs will demand the government tackles the climate emergency with the urgency that's needed.

The Conservatives are going to lose. But Labour won't offer much beyond a few tweaks. Vote Green for real hope and real change.