DWP online PIP test that could see eligible claimants receive up to £737 every month

The Department for Work and Pensions
-Credit: (Image: PA)

Millions of people are currently claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP). According to figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the number of people receiving the benefit is at an all-time high.

More than 3.5 million people over the age of 16 were in receipt of PIP at the end of April. Just over one in three cases (36 per cent) received the highest level of PIP award of £737.20, which is paid every four weeks, reports the Daily Record.

Those who are thinking about making a claim for PIP an online 'PIP test' could help give an indication of the number of points they would be awarded. This determines the level of award they might receive - standard or enhanced rate.

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The free online test provided by the independent benefits advisory forum Benefits and Work is not a guarantee that someone will be eligible for PIP or ADP. An application to the DWP for PIP also takes other factors into account including supporting evidence on how a disability, physical or mental illness or long-term health condition affects you.

According to DWP guidance on GOV.UK, entitlement to PIP is not based on an individual's health condition or disability alone. It also takes into consideration how much a long-term health condition or disability impacts an individual's daily life or mobility.

If you submit your email on the self-test page you will also be sent a copy of your results which could help you complete the 'How your disability affects you' evidence form you will receive from the DWP. You can take the PIP self-test online here.

A successful claim for PIP is worth between £28.70 and £184.30 each week in additional financial support. As the benefit is paid every four weeks, this comes to between £114.80 and £737.20 every payment period.

More than 540 health conditions are being supported by PIP but the list is not definitive and contains an 'unknown' category. For more about PIP eligibility and payment rates, click here.