EastEnders previews Johnny Carter return drama in 58 new spoiler pictures

johnny carter, eastenders
EastEnders reveals Johnny return drama in 58 picsBBC

Coming up on EastEnders, Linda Carter has another ally to rely on when her son Johnny returns and prepares to take on Dean Wicks.

Elsewhere, George Knight's life changes forever as his adoptive father Eddie shares further revelations, while Amy Mitchell becomes worried about Denise Fox's state of mind.

Our 58-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Monday, February 12: A celebration takes place for Eddie

Eddie is receiving an award in recognition of him promoting diversity within boxing.

eddie knight, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Eddie's family join him for the occasion

George, Elaine, Gina and Anna pay a visit.

gina knight, eddie knight, anna knight, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Eddie speaks privately to Gloria

He hides a secret agenda.

gloria knight, eddie knight, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Eddie makes a speech

He explains how proud he is of George.

george knight, eddie knight, gloria knight, elaine peacock, eastenders

Monday, February 12: George is surprised by Eddie's attitude

He wonders whether he has misjudged his adoptive father recently.

george knight, eddie knight, eastenders

Monday, February 12: George reflects on the day's events

He confides in Elaine.

george knight, elaine peacok, eastenders

Monday, February 12: George is in for a shock

He later discovers that Eddie has been manipulating him. Eddie is due to stand trial for a racially motivated murder and wants George to be his character witness.

george knight, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Lauren spots a familiar face

Johnny Carter is back in Walford.

annie branning, lauren branning, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Lauren greets Johnny

Charlie Suff has taken over the role of Johnny.

johnny carter, annie branning, lauren branning, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny tries to help Linda

Linda is drunk again.

johnny carter, linda carter, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny gets Linda home to bed

He's worried about his mum.

linda carter, johnny carter, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Linda is in turmoil

She's struggling to make a change and stop relying on alcohol.

linda carter, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny takes action

He decides to confront Dean.

dean wicks, johnny carter, ben mitchell, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny tries to warn off Dean

He wants Dean to leave Linda alone.

johnny carter, jade, dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny shows he's not to be messed with

He's certainly changed during his time away from Walford.

jade, johnny carter, dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny speaks to Ben and Callum

Ben intervened during the earlier row and dragged Johnny away.

johnny carter, callum highway, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Callum and Ben speak to Johnny

They offer him some advice.

johnny carter, callum highway, ben mitchell, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny is determined to do things his way

He confronts Dean.

dean wicks, johnny carter, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny punches Dean

Dean is shocked.

johnny, dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Johnny hopes he's made his point

Will Dean finally back off?

johnny carter, dean wicks, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Kat and Nish continue to grow closer

Priya watches on.

kat moon, nish panesar, eastenders

Monday, February 12: Eve interrupts

She knows what Nish is capable of and is worried about Kat.

priya nandra hart, eve unwin, kat moon, nish panesar, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Gina's birthday arrives

Gloria and Eddie arrive at The Vic to help celebrate.

gina knight, eddie knight, gloria knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: George intervenes

He tells Gloria and Eddie that he knows about the court case, before asking them to leave.

gloria knight, george knight, eddie knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Gina and George disagree

George tries to defend Eddie's recent actions and comments, but Gina gets annoyed over this.

gina knight, george knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: George makes a decision

He realises that it's time to look up the details of Eddie's court case.

george knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Gina crosses paths with Dean and Jade

They chat outside the cafe.

dean wicks, jade, gina knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Gina briefly catches up with Jade

The Square's residents are trying to make Jade feel welcome.

jade, gina knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Linda and Johnny emerge from the Minute Mart

Linda struggles when she spots Dean.

johnny carter, linda carter, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Linda rushes off

Johnny is worried about his mum.

linda carter, johnny carter, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Johnny spots Gina with Dean and Jade

He finds out that Gina and Dean briefly dated.

johnny carter, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Stacey and Jack hide their secret

They're continuing to have an affair.

stacey slater, jack branning, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Amy is worried about Jack and Denise's marriage

She encourages Jack to do something special for Denise on Valentine's Day.

jack branning, amy mitchell, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Amy continues to get involved

She has chosen a nice bracelet for Jack to give to Denise.

amy mitchell, ricky mitchell, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Amy and Ricky get busted

Denise spots them trying to hide the bracelet.

ricky mitchell, amy mitchell, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Denise behaves strangely

She seems unsettled over the bracelet.

denise fox, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Amy and Ricky are confused by Denise

They don't realise that Denise is hallucinating the missing "D" necklace.

amy mitchell, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Gina's birthday celebrations continue

There's a party at The Vic.

elaine peacock, anna knight, gina knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Bobby spends time with the family

He and Anna are still dating.

anna knight, bobby beale, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: The evening starts to go wrong

A drunken Linda accidentally drops Gina's birthday cake.

elaine peacock, johnny carter, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Johnny is causing concern

He gets annoyed with Gina for laughing at Linda, but some people are concerned by Johnny's angry behaviour.

bobby beale, bernadette taylor, ben mitchell, jay brown, johnny carter, gina knight, anna knight, eastenders

Tuesday, February 13: Callum ends up with reason to worry

Ben agrees to help Johnny get rid of Dean, promising that their methods will be legal.

callum highway, johnny carter, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: Eddie returns to The Vic

George has suggested that it's time to talk.

eddie knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: Gloria has also turned up

But George wants to speak to Eddie alone.

gloria knight, elaine peacock, eddie knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: George insists on a one-on-one chat

Gloria heads upstairs with Elaine.

eddie knight, george knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: George demands answers

He wants to know everything.

eddie knight, george knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: Eddie and George have an emotional conversation

George starts to unlock the truth about his childhood.

eddie knight, george knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: Eddie shares various revelations

George is shocked by what he says.

eddie knight, george knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: Gloria speaks to Elaine upstairs

She shares her side of the story.

gloria knight, eastenders

Wednesday, February 14: Gloria asks for Elaine's help

She wants Elaine to persuade George to be a character witness for Eddie.

elaine peacock, gloria knight, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Johnny shares his new plan

He wants to launch a civil case against Dean, but Callum warns him about the false "confession" that Linda made before Christmas.

callum highway, johnny carter, ben mitchell, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Johnny launches a new mission

He wants to get the recording back from Dean's phone.

johnny carter, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Gina gets drawn into the plan

She agrees to help Johnny get the recording from Dean so they can delete it.

jade, dean wicks, johnny carter, gina knight, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: It's a new day at The Vic

The Knight family have faced a traumatic week.

anna knight, elaine peacock, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Gloria arrives again

She wants to speak to George.

elaine peacock, gloria knight, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Gina watches on

Elaine ends up taking Gloria to see George at the Boxing Den.

gina knight, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Amy helps out at the salon

She supports Denise.

denise fox, amy mitchell, eastenders

Thursday, February 15: Denise's behaviour sparks further concern

Amy is worried about her.

denise fox, eastenders

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