Edinburgh Meadows to George Street revamp will see less cars, more pavements and cycle lanes

Proposed design of the project
Proposed design of the project -Credit:Edinburgh city council

Edinburgh locals are being encouraged to share their opinions on proposed plans that would transform the city centre to make more space for people.

Forming a key part of the City Centre West to East Link, the Meadows to George Street plans will transform cycling, walking, and public spaces. Changes to how traffic will move through the area has also been proposed and residents are encouraged to comment on it before May 17.

According to the proposals, new cycleways and widened footways from Teviot Place along Forrest Road, George IV Bridge and Hanover Street to George Street, will make the city a ‘more attractive’ place to work and live.

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Plans also propose for the George IV Bridge to be narrowed to one lane to allow for a new separate cycle path and widened pavements.

Pavements will also be widened and ‘decluttered’ with continuous pavements at key points, such as Hanover Street, Victoria Street and Candlemaker Row.

As for traffic, there will a bus priority corridor, with no general through traffic on Bank Street, between Market Street and Lawnmarket during hours of bus gate operation (6am – 10pm).

Through traffic will be restricted via the bus gate west of the junction at Jeffrey Street, with the exception of buses, taxis and cyclists.

Forrest Road will see all traffic removed apart from access for residents of the street and loading at certain times of the day.

Traffic will also be removed between Merchant Street and George IV Bridge, other than the number two bus service and access for servicing and loading at certain times.

Ian Murray MP has encouraged residents to view and comment on the proposed traffic orders on the Edinburgh Council website.

Edinburgh residents can also email TRO.Consultations@edinburgh.gov.uk, quoting the reference of TRO/21/32 and RSO/21/08.

Ian Murray MP said: "While these proposed changes lie outside of my constituency they do affect the entire city. I would encourage residents to take part in this council consultation and to have their voices heard in shaping proposals."

What are your thoughts on the proposed changes? Get in touch katie.williams@reachplc.com