Enthusiastic Young Reporter Nails Live Weather Update Amid Severe Conditions

An aspiring young weatherman filmed himself giving a flawless live update on Sunday, August 28, in St. Louis Missouri.

12-year-old Beckett Moore braved the rumbling St. Louis sky, to record a piece to camera on his iPad, updating viewers about “severe weather conditions” across the country affecting Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri and Oklahoma.

Beckett’s mother, Jill Moore, said her son has always loved weather and began his reporting career a few years ago.

“Beckett started a YouTube channel and he celebrates each new viewer,” she said.

“When not reporting weather ‘in the field’ he can be found studying radar and making forecast videos in the weather studio he built in our basement.” Credit: Jill Moore via Storyful

Video transcript

BECKETT MOORE: Today, we do have severe weather stretching all the way from Minnesota into Wisconsin and even going down into Missouri and into Oklahoma and Texas. Right now, here in St. Louis, we are hearing a few rumbles of thunder, but the most severe weather is up north into Minnesota and Wisconsin, where we could see possible embedded tornadoes in these lines and clusters of storms moving through Wisconsin and Minnesota right now, as well as the main threats which are going to be damaging winds and some pretty strong and damaging hail.

I'll see you next one, goodbye, but stay weather aware today and know that there are storms coming for you if you live in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and even down into Missouri. Now let me get inside, because it just started to rain.

Today, we do have severe weather stretching all the way from Minnesota into Wisconsin and even going down into Missouri and into Oklahoma and Texas. Right now, here in St. Louis, we are hearing a few rumbles of thunder, but the most severe weather is up north into Minnesota and Wisconsin, where we could see possible embedded tornadoes in these lines and clusters of storms moving through Wisconsin and Minnesota right now, as well as the main threats which are going to be damaging winds and some pretty strong and damaging hail.

I'll see you next one, goodbye, but stay weather aware today and know that there are storms coming for you if you live in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and even down into Missouri. Now let me get inside, because it just started to rain.