Who is Erin Carter? episode 6 recap: Erin fights to keep her daughter

 Erin Carter (Evin Ahmad) sits at her kitchen table, unloading bullets from a revolver
Erin Carter (Evin Ahmad) sits at her kitchen table, unloading bullets from a revolver

If you've got this far into Who is Erin Carter? then you're probably in this new Netflix thriller for the long haul, and that's just as well, because we're onto the penultimate episode.

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We've learned about Erin's past, Harper's true lineage and Emilio's quest and dodgy behavior, but now Erin needs to deal with Daniel Lang, a parent at the school she teaches at who turns out to be the big crime boss.

Here's our Who is Erin Carter? episode 6 recap, covering the penultimate of seven episodes in the limited series. Of course, spoilers for this and previous episodes abound.

The family parts ways

At Emilio's funeral, Erin (Evin Ahmad) sees a condolence card from Daniel, who of course killed the man. Erin's husband Jordi (Sean Teale) says in front of Harper (Indica Watson) and Penelope that they're probably going to sell the house, of course referring to their spat.

Erin also overhears Emilio's widow arguing with his police boss, and coyly hints to the latter that Daniel Lang has something to do with the death. The boss blows it off though, telling her to get in her lane.

We learn that Emilio had a son the whole time, Rafa, who's also at the school. Daniel's son is making a condolence card for him, surprising Daniel.

Jordi and Harper leave Barcelona, to stay with his parents in Cheyelles for a little while so that he and Erin can take a break. Harper overhears her family talking, and it sounds like they're going to break up. When Erin returns indoors, one of Daniel's henchmen is waiting for her, just to send a message.

Fireworks and gunshots

Daniel Lang (Douglas Henshall) sits at a desk, wearing a suit, looking at a woman sitting opposite him who has her back to the camera
Daniel Lang (Douglas Henshall) sits at a desk, wearing a suit, looking at a woman sitting opposite him who has her back to the camera

At school, Erin criticizes Olivia (Susannah Fielding) for blocking her promotion, though Olivia makes the valid point that Erin didn't seem deserving of it. It's parent's evening on the last day of term and Daniel (Douglas Henshall) visits, ostensibly to talk about his son Dylan, but to threaten Erin. He says that he's not on top of the food chain, and other people will kill her and her family if she doesn't stop digging.

Later Penelope (Charlotte Vega) visits Erin. There's a firework display later which is where Emilio proposed to his wife years ago, and they're having a night out for his widow to make her feel better. They go out to a bar, and Penelope is being a lot nicer to Erin.

At the same time Lena (Denise Gough) visits Olivia, pretending to be Erin's friend but later threatening her co-teacher in order to get Erin's location. Olivia offers a teary apology after finding out where Erin is.

Unaware of this, Erin learns that Daniel has promised to fund Emilio's kid's tuition. Enraged, Erin finds out Daniel's location using Dylan's Instagram and goes to his party. She overhears that a shipment is coming in later, but she gets jumped by Dan's henchman. After beating him up with a champagne bottle, Dan appears. Erin's just about ready to shoot him, but he points out that Dylan's about to show up, and finding his dead dad will mess him up — instead, Erin simply leaves, throwing away her gun as she does.

Old mother vs. new mother

Lena, who's been following Erin, finally catches up with her. At gunpoint she forces Erin to take her to Harper, however Erin takes a detour.

Erin takes Lena to the hills where she buried the gold bullion from the episode 4 heist, since she didn't spend it as that'd lead the police to her and Harper. She tries to use it to bribe Lena to leave her and Harper alone, but Lena wants to see her daughter again.

Admitting that both she and Margot loved Erin, Lena eventually shoots Erin in the stomach, promptly leaving with the gold as Erin bleeds out in the hills.

Who is Erin Carter? is available to stream on Netflix now.