Exclusive: Up to 30 councils in England refuse to help Afghan refugees

Priti Patel greets Afghan refugees - Getty
Priti Patel greets Afghan refugees - Getty

Around 30 councils have refused to take any Afghan refugees who have arrived in the UK after fleeing the Taliban, government sources have said.

Britain has agreed to resettle 8,000 Afghan translators and their families who have been airlifted to safety out of Kabul airport by the RAF in recent days.

Boris Johnson has said that another 5,000 vulnerable Afghans will be welcomed to the UK this year, rising to a total of 20,000 in the long-term.

An initial request from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to local authorities has met with severe pushback from around ten per cent of England’s 333 councils.

A government source said the ministry has “asked councils, ‘Which of you guys can stick your hands up?’. Around 100 councils have said, ‘We’ll take some people’. About 30 local authorities have said no so far. They’ve said they don’t have resources or they have their own concerns.”

Many large Afghan families are among evacuees that have arrived, with reports of one family with 20 members arriving at Heathrow this week.

It poses challenges for settling them, amid a nationwide shortage of big council houses with four or five bedrooms.

The Telegraph revealed this week that ministers are examining using Pontins holiday camps to accommodate Afghan arrivals.

Councils are also looking at renting private homes and buying or building additional properties, as well as looking at options to retain military accommodation that had been due to be sold off.

A government spokesman said: “Approximately only five per cent of councils have declined to sign up to our relocation and assistance scheme and close to a third of councils have already stepped up to support new arrivals, but we know there is more that can be done for those that have risked their lives supporting us.

“This is why we are calling on all councils who have not yet come forward with a firm offer of support to help Afghan nationals and their families as they build a new life here in safety.”