Face of 'utterly reckless' arsonist who sent historic boat, railway museum and van up in flames

Christopher Parker, 34, left the historic LV18, moored at Harwich Quay, irreparably damaged after embarking on an arson spree across the town in February 2024
-Credit: (Image: Essex Police)

An arsonist who started fires across an Essex town, causing significant damage to a unique and historic lightboat, has been sent to prison. Christopher Parker, 34, caused irreparable damage to the LB18, moored to Harwich Quay, after embarking on an arson spree across the town in February.

The 1958 vessel is unique, and its operational lantern is activated several times a year to support quayside community activities and festivals in Harwich. The total cost of damage to the boat was estimated at £250,000.

Tony O'Neil, from the Pharos Trust that owns and maintains the LV18, said he had to watch as "24 years of my life go up in smoke". Detective Constable Ben Stammers said Parker had been "utterly reckless" in his behaviour.

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Emergency services were called to the scene on the evening on February 2. Separate fires damaging a van in Station Approach and the interior of Harwich Railway Museum were also reported on the same evening.

Enquiries by police identified a man wearing distinctive clothing, including a black Nike tracksuit, white trainers and a black puffer jacket. This description matched the profile of a man spoken to by officers near the scene and in the immediate aftermath of the lightboat fire.

Parker, of Alexandra Street in Harwich, was arrested on February 4. Clothing was seized and matched that worn by the individual pictured in the CCTV footage.

A fire caused extensive damage to the inside of Harwich Railway Museum
A fire caused extensive damage to the inside of Harwich Railway Museum -Credit:Essex Police

His shoes matched prints taken from the scenes, including from a door at Harwich Railway Station and from the area around the LV18 lightboat. He admitted three counts of arson and appeared for sentence at Chelmsford Crown Court on Friday (June 7).

Judge Wilkin told Parker his motive for the fires remained unclear but his actions had caused a "deep and long-lasting impact". He was jailed for five years.

In a victim impact statement, Mr O'Neil said: "I had to watch as it took five hours to put it out and a further two hours to cool it down. The aftereffects since then have been numbing on both me and my wife and to be able to cope under those circumstances with all the other things you have to deal with.

"Dealing with the police, the fire service, forensics, insurance companies, it all has an effect on you. Since the incident, I am left explaining the same story to members of the public and if it was not for the majority of them being supportive, it could have been a lot worse.

"That is the only saving grace really that has lifted my spirits. I have worked on this project for the past 24 years with various grants and interest from the local council, the press and of course the people of Harwich.

"I would guess that around £600,000 has been provided in grants for the restoration project of the LV18 ship. So it’s not just my life work, it’s every single person and company that has supported the project in that time.

"On board was also my own personal collection of old radios and TVs which I donated to the charity, which is irreplaceable. I look out of my window and I have to see what’s happened.

"That is going to stay with me for a long time. I can’t put it into words how much this project means to me or the community of Harwich and I just don’t understand what you have gained out of your actions. The boat was built in 1958, and over the years has been subject to a variety of pirate radio broadcasts. The ship has a vast history which has all gone up in smoke."

The historic LV18, moored at Harwich Quay, was left irreparably damaged
The historic LV18, moored at Harwich Quay, was left irreparably damaged -Credit:Essex Police

DC Stammers said: "Parker’s actions in starting these fires were utterly reckless. He has failed to offer an explanation for his actions, which makes the fact he caused such devastation to the Harwich community all the more concerning.

"His actions in setting these fires were purposeful – proved by the fact he used an accelerant to ensure they caught hold and caused significant damage. Right from the outset of this investigation, we knew we had to act fast to identify the person responsible and limit any further damage to property and risk to life in Harwich.

"Through our trawling of CCTV and forensic opportunities at the scene of the fires, including analysis of footprints and the clothing seized from Parker, we were able to irrefutably link him to these incidents. His actions have had a huge impact, in particular on a valued and irreplaceable community asset in the LV18 lightboat.

"While those who operate the boat will work tirelessly to see it restored, nothing will return the hours of hard work they have put into maintaining this piece of history."

Andre Turner, Fire Investigation Team Manager with Essex Fire and Rescue Service, added: "We want people to know that if they start fires deliberately we have the expertise to help the police track them down. Our fire investigation team is second to none and we are dedicated to helping the police bring arsonists to justice.

"The conviction of the Harwich arsonist is just the latest in a string successful convictions we have helped with. I’m proud of the work our fire investigation team have been involved with, it is testament to what can be achieved when emergency services work together."

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