Four arrested after taxi driver 'threatened with gun'

Four people have been arrested after a taxi driver was 'threatened with a gun' in Bolton in the early hours of Monday (May 20).

Greater Manchester Police attended the scene on Tong Road, Little Lever, at around 3am to reports of a firearm being used to intimidate a taxi.

The weapon was later confirmed to have been an imitation firearm. No serious injuries were reported at the scene and police have confirmed there is no wider threat to the local community.

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Four people, three men and a woman, aged in their 20s, were arrested shortly afterwards and remain in custody to be questioned by detectives.

A spokesperson for Greater Manchester Police said: "At around 3am today (Monday 20 May 2024) we received reports of a firearm being used to intimidate in a taxi on Tonge Road in Little Lever, Bolton.

"Thankfully no serious injury were reported at the scene and was later confirmed to be an imitation firearm. This has been recovered and there is no wider threat to the community. As a result, four arrests, three men and one woman in their 20s, were made shortly after and remain in custody for questioning."

If anyone has information that may help with enquiries, they are asked to call 101 quoting incident 305 of 20/05/2024.