Fox News' Mark Levin Gets Refresher On Trump's Tactics After Lamenting DeSantis Gibe

Fox News host Mark Levin has a long history of supporting conservatives, but he seemingly also has short-term memory loss when it concerns Donald Trump.

On Tuesday morning, Levin took to Twitter to weigh in on a New York Times story that suggested the former president was insulting possible GOP presidential candidate Ron DeSantis as “Meatball Ron,” an apparent dig at the Florida governor’s stocky appearance or Italian heritage.

Levin didn’t like the name-calling (though he made sure to point out he does like meatballs), saying the taunt “will turn off a lot of conservative voters.”

He added: “Not a wise move if true. I hope it’s not.”

Many viewed the tweet as bizarre, as it seemingly ignored that Trump’s brand is basically nothing but insults and grievances. Levin appeared to forget all the times the former president ridiculed other GOP rivals, like when he described former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush as “low energy” or referred to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as “Little Marco.”

The oversight was so glaring that Times reporter Maggie Haberman felt obliged to gently mock the right-wing media personality, tweeting, “Our reporting apparently doesn’t sound like the Donald Trump who Mark Levin knows.”

By Tuesday afternoon, Levin still hadn’t responded to Haberman’s reminder of what Trump is really like. Meanwhile, others in the Twittersphere have offered their own thoughts on the commentator’s take and the GOP mudslinging.
