Gabby Logan explains BBC disagreement after replay of Barnabas Varga horror injury shown

Gabby Logan
-Credit: (Image: BBC)

Gabby Logan has explained the BBC's stance after a replay showed the distressing moment that led to Barnabas Varga being hospitalised. During the match, Hungary striker Varga was left injured after a harrowing clash with Scotland goalkeeper Angus Gunn.

The 29-year-old collided head-on with Gunn's arm, which resulted in him lying motionless on the turf. His teammates quickly positioned him in the recovery posture while medical personnel from Hungary hurried onto the field. To shield the view of Varga receiving medical attention, screens were erected around him.

As stretcher bearers entered the pitch, Hungary's players appeared agitated, urging them to move faster. Despite the tense situation, the host broadcaster chose to show a replay of the collision, prompting the BBC to switch to a broader shot of the Stuttgart Arena.

Following the game, Logan conveyed her well-wishes to Varga and expressed the BBC's dissatisfaction with UEFA's decision to allow the replay of the incident to be aired, reports the Mirror.

Logan commented: "All of our thoughts are of course with Barnabas Varga after that sickening collision. We are updating you on his condition. At the moment we have no more. We were as shocked as you when they replayed that incident."

She added: "There are protocols around this kind of thing after Christian Eriksen three years ago. We were very surprised that UEFA chose to play in that replay, which is why we cut away to a wide angle as soon as we could."

Varga was rushed to hospital, with the Hungarian FA later confirming his stable condition. They released a statement saying: "Barnabas Varga's condition is stable! The player is currently in one of the hospitals in Stuttgart! We will inform you immediately if there is any news about its status! ".

Following a six-minute pause, Varga was carried off the pitch on a stretcher, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd at the Stuttgart Arena. The game resumed without any goals scored.

Former Scotland international Pat Nevin defended Gunn's decision to leave his line, asserting that the collision was purely accidental.

Speaking to BBC 5 Live, he said: "We have seen it before if a keeper comes out and he doesn't get the ball but takes a player it is a foul. I actually think Angus Gunn got some of the ball there."

Hungary clinched victory with a goal in the ninth minute of injury time. Roland Sallai made a run down the right wing and passed the ball to Kevin Csoboth, who drove the ball into the bottom corner.